Semester at Sea Fall 2006 Voyage banner


Shipboard Interview with Robert Ford

By Suzanne Schefcik

           When a SAS student told me the story of how Saved By the Bell changed his life, he really grabbed my attention. Robert Ford, a Texas native, really has a charming sorry, photo not workingstory about life and his upcoming travels. Robert grew up in Houston, Texas with his four sisters and family. He went to the local high school and likes to go deer hunting. He is very upset about missing hunting season this fall. As a junior in college studying criminal justice, Robert dreams of becoming a defense attorney.

            The decision for coming to Semester at Sea all started with an episode of Saved by the Bell. During one episode, Kelly and Screech decided they were going to leave Bayside and sail around the world with SAS. Afterward, Robert decided he was going to look into this ship and he liked what he saw. He had never really even been interested in studying abroad until this program caught his eye. His parents were not thrilled with the cost of the program, but Robert had already decided he was going to make it happen. After driving “semi-semi trucks” around the US, Robert raised money in order to come on board.

            While on the ship, Robert is really hoping for an eye opening experience. He has grown up in a fairly conservative state with little traveling experience outside the Americas. He anticipates that he will learn more about liberalism and the world through SAS. He expects that different people with alternative values will open his mind to new opinions.

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