Learning From South Phoenix

Course Bibliography of Assigned Readings 2006

Arizona Republic, South Phoenix news items compiled from the past several years by Kristin Koptiuch

Baudelaire, Charles, 1869. “The Eyes of the Poor” (“The Family of Eyes”), in his Paris Spleen.  With commentary by Peter Jukes, A Shout in the Street: An Excursion into the Modern City, 1991 105-107.

Blake, Kevin S.  & Daniel D. Arreola, 1996 .  “Residential Subdivision Identity in Metropolitan Phoenix,” Landscape Journal 15(1):23-35

Blakely, Edward J. and Mary Gail Snyder, 1997. “Divided We Fall: Gated and Walled Communities in the United States” in Architecture of Fear, Nan Ellin, ed. Princeton Architectural Press, 85-99

Bolin, Bob, Sara Grineski, Tim Collins. 2005. “The Geography of Despair: Environmental Racism and the Making of South Phoenix, Arizona, USA.” Human Ecology Review 12(2):156-168.

Bolin, Bob et al, “The Ecology of Technological risk in a Sunbelt City.” Environment and Planning A 2002, v 34:317-339

Bolin, Bob et al, 2000. “Environmental Equity in a Sunbelt City: the spatial Distribution of Toxic Hazards in Phoenix.”  Environmental Hazards 2(2000)11-24

Hayden, Dolores, 1997. “Contested Terrain,” the first chapter to her book, The Power of Place: Urban Landscapes as Public History. MIT Press, 2-13.

Bright, Brenda, 1998. “Heart like a car: Hispano/Chicano Culture in Northern New Mexico,” American Ethnologist 25 (4):583-609.

Brittle, Steve, 1998. “The Rio Salado Project: the Rest of the Story,” Environmental Justice Explorer Newsletter Vol. 5 (June) (also check out other issues of this online newsletter at http://www.fastq.com/~dwaz/EJE/eje5.html)

Brunk, Linda M., 1996. “A Federal Legacy: Phoenix’s Cultural Geography.”  Palo Verde (ASU West Magazine of Student Writing and Art), 4(1):60-75 

Burns, Elizabeth K. & Patricia Gober, 1998. “Job Linkages in Inner-City Phoenix.”  Urban Geography 19(1)1998:12-23 

Caldeira, Teresa P.R., 1999. “Fortified Enclaves: The New Urban Segregation” in Theorizing the City: The New Urban Anthropology Reader, Setha M. Low, ed. Rutgers University P, 83-107

Davis, Mike, 1995. "Beyond Blade Runner: Urban Control and the Ecology of Fear" Mediamatic 8(2/3). http://www.mediamatic.nl/Magazine/8_2/Davis-Urban.html

Gammage, Grady, 1999 Phx in Perspective: Reflections on Developing the Desert. ASU. “To Sprawl or Not to Sprawl” 63-74. By one of the city’s active mover-shakers.

Garreau, Joel, 1991. Edge City: Life on the New Frontier.  Doubleday. xi-15 (intro), 183-208

Goldberg, David Theo, 1993. “‘Polluting the Body Politic’ Race and Urban Location.”  In Racist Culture. Blackwell.

Guterson, David, 1992.  “No Place Like Home: On the Manicured Streets of a Master-Planned Community,” Harpers Magazine  Nov. 55-64.

Hayden, Dolores, 1997. “Contested Terrain,” the first chapter to her book, The Power of Place: Urban Landscapes as Public History. MIT Press, 2-13.

Kirby, Andrew, 2004. “When Extreme Political Ideas Move into the Mainstream,” in Spaces of Hate: Geographies of Discrimination and Intolerance in the U.S.A., Colin Flint, ed. Routledge, 209-225.

Laguerre, Michel, 1999. “Technologies of Minoritized Space,” in Minoritized Space: An Inquiry Into the Spatial Order of Things. Berkeley: Institute of Governmental Studies Press, 95-117.

Learning From South Phoenix web pages, created by students in this course from the previous three years, at our own web domain www.southphoenixweb.com

Luckingham, Bradford, 1989. Phoenix: The History of a Southwestern Metropolis.  Tucson: Univ of Az Press—Selections with mention of South Phoenix and/or racial/ethnic minorities: 1-11 (intro), 32-35, 50-53, 94-101, 116-125, 168-177, 212-221, 254-257

McKenzie, Evan, 1994. “Conclusion: Reflections on Privatopia and the city” in Privatopia: Homeowner Associations and the Rise of Residential Private Government.  New Haven: Yale Univ Press, 175-197

Morrison Institute for Public Policy, 2000. Hits and Misses, ASU Tempe.

Phillips, Susan A., 2001. “El Nuevo Mundo: The Landscape of Latino Los Angeles. Photographs by Camilo Jose Vergara,” American Anthropologist 103(1):175-188.

Pijawka, K. David et al, “Environmental Equity in central Cities: Socioeconomic Dimensions and Planning Strategies,” Journal of Planning Education and Research 1998, v18:113-123.

Rojas, James, 1999.  The Latino Use of Urban Space in East Los Angeles.  In La Vida Latina en L.A.: Urban Latino Cultures.  Gustavo Leclerc, Raul Villa, Michael Dear, eds. Sage. 131-138. 

Sassen, Saskia, 2001. “The City: Strategic Site/New Frontier,” in Quaderns d’arquitectura i urbanisme: Frontera, Barcelona: Collegi d’Arquitectes de Catalunya, 12-15.

Smith, Neil.1996. “Is Gentrification a Dirty Word?” in New Urban Frontier: Gentrification and the Revanchist City.  Routledge. 30-47. 

Vergara, Camilo José, 1995. “Bunkering the Poor: Our Fortified Ghettos,” In Mortal City, Peter Lang, ed. Princeton Architectural Press, 18-27

Ward, Yolanda, 1979?.“Spatial Deconcentration.” http://www.interactivist.net/housing/spatial_d_1.html  


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