
This page will link you directly to the concentration games. Before you go there, we wanted to offer some words of encouragement about two minor difficulties that you may face.

When you first go to this page, it will look for a plug-in called Shockwave. If you don't have it, or if your version is not updated, you will be connected to the place where you can download it from automatically. This process is extremely fast if you have a cable modem, but will take about ten minutes if you have a conventional phone line connection. Given the amount of traffic on the ASU computers these days, it may take longer. Rest assured that the wait is worth it. This plug-in not only allows you to play our game, but gives you access to all sorts of multi-media goodness on the web, including some great music. Your reward for finishing these games is not only extra credit, but a new, better, stronger way to surf (the web, that is-- the authors are not responsible for accidental drownings and shark attacks).

When you have this plug-in installed, and you start the game, it may take a few minutes for the game to load. In the mean time, you will be prompted to enter your name, ID, what class you are in, and you gender. All of these demographics are necessary so that we can assign credit for your participation. Once this information is filled out, just wait patiently for a "start" button to appear at the bottom of your page. Then have fun!

One final note: If the bottom row of the game is partially cut off, just change your browser to "full screen". There is a button on the tool bar of your browser for this, or hit "F11".

Here are the games