This final artifact comes from my personal life as I strive to find a professional organization that will engage both my creative and academic sides. As I have mentioned many times on this website and in the course of BIS 301, I have always been fascinated by the media. Media and its messages are such pervasive forces in our society’s day to day life; most of us don’t realize just how much of an effect it really has. I am intrigued by how messages are created, disseminated and received and how to craft the most effective communication to reach the greatest amount of people.

           As discussed elsewhere, I believe the solution to the question posed above is by way of the medium of film. Visually stimulating, film is able to capture a reasonable representation of life like no other medium can. Although it is not perfect, and in the wrong hands, can be corrupted, film remains the most dominant form of communication in most modern cultures.

           Integrating both of these interests was something I have been doing on my own since adolescence. The following are still pictures taken from a short film I helped edit that featured a live music festival in Tempe. Although still pictures do not do justice to the purpose of the original film, it is my hope that they capture the energy and spectacle of the show, while communicating an original message that speaks to many.

The following demonstrates my commitment to the integrative process, before I knew what it was. Prior to BIS 301, I lacked the term to define what I was doing as well the focus to learn from it. Now, however, with my ingredients laid out, my stove on and my utensils at the ready, I am prepared to “cook” in my own career, and thank to my work in IDS, I will surely be following a recipe for success.


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