ENG 530                                       Fall 2002
Classical Rhetoric

Response Statement #6

Response statement #6 consists of two parts:
1. Response Prompt: Construct a response prompt that would permit you the kind of closure or capstone activity for this course that would serve your scholarly and professional interests. Here are a few suggestions for tackling this part of the assignment: 1) Mine your question log, looking for particular patterns of questions or one question that would serve as a good starting point for creating a prompt. 2) Consider your goals for this course, and the ways in which this course relates to or “speaks” against other courses you have taken. 3) Consider the ways in which this course contributes to your scholarly activities and professional interests. 4) Make use of the various rhetorical heuristics that we have examined this semester as potential aids for constructing a prompt. The goal of this part of the assignment is to design a prompt that helps you to bring together what you have learned and that would permit you to explore an area of interest that is related to your scholarship and professional ambitions.

2. Rationale: In one or two pages, describe the rationale for the prompt you designed. Explain how this prompt addresses the goals you set for yourself in this course, and how it would help you explore those aspects of classical rhetoric that you feel would be most useful given your scholarly and professional interests. (You might include, but are not required to, a meta-reflection on the ways in which you tackled this assignment. For instance, are there any connections your can draw between the theories and practices of classical rhetoric that we have been studying and the praxis you engaged in to do this assignment?).

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