Justice Studies 301

Dr Menjívar


Fourth Take-home Assignment—Unobtrusive Research




This exercise involves watching television commercials. Select three commercials for analysis. Try to pick commercials that have appeared repeatedly. Analyze them for their manifest and latent content with regard to gender roles and/or ethnic/racial stereotyping. These are your guidelines. You need to turn in this assignment typed, double-spaced, with one inch margins, and font 12.



1. Describe the commercials.


Commercial #1


Commercial #2


Commercial #3




2. Make a short list (2 or three) indicators you used in assessing the manifest content of the commercials before you analyzed each commercial. What words or images you would need to see to determine whether there is gender and/or racial stereotyping in each commercial? These are your indicators, but you must determine what they are before you analyze each commercial. Did you find that, according to your definitions of gender and/or ethnic/racial stereotyping (the words or images that indicated to you that there was stereotyping), the commercials portrayed stereotypical images or men/women and/or people of different ethnic/racial groups?


Commercial #1


Commercial #2


Commercial #3




3. Describe how you assessed the latent content of each commercial. Are your assessments similar or different from what you concluded when you analyzed the manifest content?


Commercial #1


Commercial #2


Commercial #3