Justice Studies 350

Dr. Menjívar


Study Guide for Exam #1


From Lectures:


1. All theories of immigration (including differences between micro and macro level approaches, in addition to the four different frameworks covered) (with examples).


2. The composition and characteristics of the four main migration waves to (and within) the United States and approximate periods when they took place (including the Bracero Program, Great Migration, etc.).


3. The Immigration Acts: Gentlemen’s Agreement, Chinese Exclusion, 1875, 1924, 1965, 1976, IRCA, and 1990.  Please note the political and economic climate of the country when each of these acts was enacted.


4. Differences between asylees and refugees, and between the family and work-based preference system in existence now.



From Portes and Rumbaut (please read the three chapters very carefully, paying particular attention to the following):


1. The four immigrant types in Portes and Rumbaut, including the reasons why people are now migrating to the United States. (Ch.1)


2. The immigrants’ concentrations by country of origin in Portes and Rumbaut, and what authors say about the “concentration and diffusion” of immigrants. (Ch.2)


3. The significance of loyalties to home countries for the immigrants’ political integration in the United States. (Ch.4)



Fragmented Ties (read Chapters 2 and 3 carefully) (Theories, new immigration patterns and why people migrate)


Pieces by Passell and by Gozdziak (from the library reserve) on undocumented immigration.


Film Immigration: The Triumph of Hope