Magda Hinojosa, Miki Caul Kittilson, and Alexandra Williams*. Forthcoming. “Gender Quotas and Beyond: Policy Solutions to Women's Underrepresentation in Politics" in De Gues, Rose et al (eds), Women in Politics, Women in Leadership. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. New York: Oxford University Press.

Jana Morgan and Magda Hinojosa. 2018. “Women in Political Parties: Seen but not Heard” in Schwindt-Bayer, Leslie (ed), Gender and Representation in Latin America. New York: Oxford University Press.
2017 Winner of the Leon Weaver Award for best paper presented at APSA from the Representation and Electoral Systems section

Magda Hinojosa and Lorena Vázquez Correa. 2018. “Selección de candidaturas, partidos y mujeres en América Latina” in Freidenberg, Flavia, Mariana Caminotti, Betilde Muñoz-Pogossian, and Tomás Dosek (eds), Mujeres en la política: experiencias nacionales y subnacionales en América Latina. Mexico City: Instituto Electoral de la Ciudad de México & Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas.

Magda Hinojosa. 2017. “An ‘Alternate’ Story of Formal Rules and Informal Institutions: Quota Laws and Candidate Selection in Latin America” in Waylen, Georgina (ed), Gender and Informal Institutions. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield. Pages 183-202.

Magda Hinojosa and Jennifer Piscopo. 2013. “Promoting Women’s Right to Be Elected: Twenty-Five Years of Quotas in Latin America” in Luna Ramos, José Alejandro (ed). Cuotas de género: visión comparada. Mexico City: Electoral Tribunal of the Federal Judicial Power of Mexico.

Magda Hinojosa. 2012. “¿Más Mujeres?: Mexico's Mixed Member System” in Tremblay, Manon (ed), Women and Legislative Representation: Electoral Systems, Political Parties, and Sex Quotas. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. (This is a revised and updated edition of the 2008 chapter that appears below.)

Magda Hinojosa. 2010. “"She’s Not My Type of Blonde": Media Coverage of Irene Sáez’s Presidential Bid” in Murray, Rainbow (ed), Cracking the Highest Glass Ceiling: A Global Comparison of Women's Campaigns for Executive Office. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger.

Magda Hinojosa. 2009. “Women in Argentina” in Gelb, Joyce and Marian Lief Palley (eds), Women and Politics Around the World: A Comparative History and Survey. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-Clio.

Magda Hinojosa. 2008. “¿Más Mujeres?: Mexico's Mixed Member System” in Tremblay, Manon (ed), Women and Legislative Representation: Electoral Systems, Political Parties, and Sex Quotas. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.