Review integrals with sqrt. Example (Template 4) Int(1/(x^2sqrt(9x^2+1))) (Test 1, Part I, 6) --------------------------------------------------------- 6.3 Partial Fractions (integrals of rational functions). --------------------------------------------------------------------- Int((bm * x^m + ... +b1 * x + b0)/(an * x^n + ... + a1 * x + a0 )) The main condition m < n. "m" has to be less than "n". If not then use division of polynoomials. Partial fractions are constructed out of the following four types of pieces. SWITCH(structure of the denominator){ CASE I: splitted into distinct linear factors (p. 328) an * x^n + ... + a1 * x + a0 = (c1 * x + d1)* ...*(cn * x + dn) ?roots({148,24,1})={-12,2;-12,-2} roots({148,24,1}) p(x) = 148.0 + 24.0*X^1 + 1.0*X^2 {-12,2} {-12,-2} sum( Aj / (cj * x + dj), j=1...n) V Example 2 on p. 329 Int((4*y^2-6*y-12)/(y*(y+2)*(y-3)),y={simpson,0.0001,1..2}) HW. 6.3, 1, 2, 12, 14 CASE II: splitted into linear factors some of which are repeated (p. 330) HW. 6.3, 3, 9, 15 1-(26*16+17*5)=-500/20=-25 CASE |||: splitted into irreducible linear and quadratic factors, none of which is repeated. (p. 331) V Example. 4 on p. 331 HW. 6.3, 4, 5, 6, 13, 16 CASE IV: irreducible linear and quadratic factors some of which are repeated (p. 333)