Pop-up Window

A pop-up window as demonstrated on the Sound and Movie Clips page are created using the following java-script. Replace highlighted areas with your material.

Place this part between the title and head at the beginning of your html code:

(This code is given freely from
and the credit portion must be included into the script.)


<SCRIPT LANGUAGE = "JavaScript">

/* This code is Copyright (c) 1996 Nick Heinle and Athenia Associates,

* all rights reserved. In order to receive the right to license this

* code for use on your site the original code must be copied from the

* Web site webreference.com/javascript/. License is granted to user to

* reuse this code on their own Web site if and only if this entire copyright

* notice is included. Code written by Nick Heinle of webreference.com.



function CreateWindow()


msgWindow=window.open("name of your page.html","displayWindow","toolbar=no,width=350,height=400,directories=no,status=no,scrollbars=yes,resize=no,menubar=no")





Place this portion where you want your button that produces the window:

<FORM><INPUT TYPE = "button" VALUE = "name for your button" onClick = "CreateWindow()"></FORM>


Now just create an html page that you want in the window. It can be like any other page but if it has links they will only open in that window.