ENG 500 Research Methods: Rhetoric and Composition
Fall 2007

Journal Issue Report Assignment

Due November 14

For your Journal Issue Report, you will examine several of the most recent issues available of the journal you have selected to study. Your goal will be to provide an overview of the current topics and methods that are published in this journal (i.e., to introduce those not familiar with the journal to what it offers).

First, study the submission guidelines and editorial policy of the journal. (These are usually located near the front cover, although sometimes these are printed in the back.) Examine what kinds of topics and methods are recommended to potential contributing authors.

Second, skim several issues of the entire journal to get a feel for the topics and methods published in that journal.

The suggestions listed above are meant as guidelines but not straightjackets. You may well come up with other questions or aspects of the journal to examine as you begin your analysis. Your goal is to familiarize potential readers (scholars and/or teachers) with the journal.

Journal Issue Report: You will have 5-10 minutes to present your issue report. In this time, briefly introduce the journal, describing the kinds of articles (topics and methods) it calls for and the range it published in the issues you examined. (Help us to understand the nature of this journal.) Remember that 10 minutes equals approximately 4 typed pages double-spaced. You need not write a formal paper (and probably shouldn't because you might be tempted to read rather than speak to us). However you decide to structure your time, be sure to practice, practice, practice so that you can cover the points you want to cover within the allotted time.

One-Page Summary: Write a one-page summary of your findings about the journal (the kinds of articles it publishes, how often it is published, and any other information you think we will find useful to know about this journal). Bring 15 copies, one for each person in the class.

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