Tarla Rai Peterson

From Family of Man to Biotic Community
Global Warming as Sustainability Primer

Tarla Rai Peterson holds the Boone and Crockett Chair in Wildlife Conservation and Policy at Texas A&M University, where she is a Professor in the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences. Her research focuses on the intersections between communication, environmental policy, and democracy. Her research goal is to provide a theoretically rich analysis of environmental policy that is useful to those who seek to transform the ways humans inhabit the planet. Tarla has published the results of her research in Sharing the Earth: The Rhetoric of Sustainable Development (1997, University of South Carolina Press), in her edited collection: Green Talk in the White House: The Rhetorical Presidency Encounters Ecology (2004, Texas A&M University Press), as well as in scholarly journals such as Agriculture and Human Values, Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, Conservation Biology, Ecological Modeling, Environmental Practice, Environmental Values, The Quarterly Journal of Speech, Journal of Applied Communication Research, Journal of Wildlife Management, as well as several book chapters, and symposium proceedings. Tarla earned both M.A. and Ph.D. from Washington State University.