Paul Kei Matsuda

Brock Brady is the new TESOL President Elect

Congratulations, Brock! I look forward to your leadership as TESOL moves toward a new era.

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Blog entries elsewhere

I've been asked to write about my experience with diversity and being a nonnative English speaking professional for other institutional blogs. Here are the "blog" sites:

NNEST of the Month Blog


The CCCC blog is supposed to be interactive--I hope many people will post comments and questions there.

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NNEST of the Month

Ana Wu, the web manager for TESOL's NNEST (Nonnative English Speakers in TESOL) Caucus, has also been hosting the NNEST of the month blog. It features interviews with notable NNEST Caucus members, including George Braine, Doug Brown, Suresh Canagarajah, Shelley Wong, Sandy McKay, Claire Kramsch and others. It's worth a look.

I think Ana deserves to be recognized for her ongoing contributions to the Caucus. Thanks, Ana! Keep up the good work!

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Last update: January 6, 2008