procedure imregister (input,output,refimage) string input ="" {prompt="Input image"} string output ="" {prompt="Output image"} string refimage="" {prompt="Reference image"} string coords ="" {prompt="Reference coordinates file"} int cntrbox =7 {prompt="Size of the fine centering box"} int srchbox =11 {prompt="Size of the coarse centering box"} int niterate=3 {prompt="Maximum number of iterations"} bool refrecen=no {prompt="Recenter reference coordinates?"} bool execute =yes {prompt="Perform the image transformation?"} string interpol="spline3" {prompt="Interpolation type (near|lin|poly3|poly5|spline3|sinc)", enum="nearest|linear|poly3|poly5|spline3|sinc"} string boundary="wrap" {prompt="Boundary type (near|reflect|wrap)", enum="nearest|reflect|wrap"} bool verbose =yes {prompt="Print centers, and shifts?"} string logfile ="register.log" {prompt="Text logfile name"} # @(#)task imregister Author: R.A. Jansen -- Jun 19 2000 # @(#) # @(#)Task to register (shift,scale and rotate) an image using a list of # @(#)matched input coordinates. The coordinate file need not be given; # @(#)if absent, the reference image is displayed and reference objects # @(#)can be marked interactively. # @(#)Uses: tvmark, geomap and geotran, and several user written tasks. begin string img, refimg, coofil, outimg, intpl, bndry, txtlog string tmptvmark, tmpgeo, tmpsol, cstr int cbox, sbox, ncol, nrow, NN, N1, N2 real x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2 bool oldcoo img = input refimg = refimage outimg = output coofil = coords cbox = cntrbox sbox = srchbox intpl = interpol bndry = boundary txtlog = logfile # Check whether the required packages are loaded... if (!defpac("tv")) { error (1,"Please load \"\" first!") } if (!defpac("immatch")) { error (1,"Please load \"images.immatch\" first!") } # Check existence of input, reference and output images... unlearn chkimg chkimg (img, "access", imtype="", verbose=yes) if (!chkimg.ok) { return } img = chkimg.imroot//chkimg.imtype//chkimg.imrpstr chkimg (refimg, "access", imtype="", verbose=yes) if (!chkimg.ok) { return } refimg = chkimg.imroot//chkimg.imtype//chkimg.imrpstr chkimg (outimg, "noaccess", imtype="", verbose=yes) if (!chkimg.ok) { return } outimg = chkimg.imroot//chkimg.imtype//chkimg.imrpstr # Determine the size of reference image ... imgets (refimg, "naxis1") ; ncol = int(imgets.value) imgets (refimg, "naxis1") ; ncol = int(imgets.value) imgets (refimg, "naxis2") ; nrow = int(imgets.value) # Opening message... gdate() ; sysinfo() if (verbose) { print ("IMREGISTER: input = \""//img//"\"") print (" reference = \""//refimg//"\"") } print (" ", >> txtlog) print ("IMREGISTER: "//sysinfo.version//" "//sysinfo.user//"@"//" "//gdate.adate, >> txtlog) print (" reference = "//refimg, >> txtlog) # Check whether coordinate file is supplied ... chkimg (coofil, "access", imtype="file", verbose=no) oldcoo = yes if (!chkimg.ok) { # No file was supplied; create one using 'tvmark'. # Display the reference image ... xdisplay (refimg, z1=0., z2=0., zmode="linear", verbose=no) oldcoo = no if (access(coofil)) { delete (coofil, yes, verify=no) } if (coofil=="") { coofil = mktemp("coo") } # Let user mark reference objects interactively and write 'coofil'... print ("Wait for the cursor cross to appear in the image display area, then") print ("mark at least 3 objects (stars) for coordinate referencing using") print ("the 'c' key (press q to quit).") sleep(1) tmptvmark = mktemp("tvmark") tvmark (frame=1, coor="", logfile=tmptvmark, autolog=yes, outimage="", mark="circle", radii=str(sbox), lengths="0", label=no, number=no, nxoffset=9, nyoffset=0, txsize=1, pointsize=3, font="raster", color=204, commands="", interactive=yes, > "dev$null", >& "STDERR" ) # Write the coordinate file list = tmptvmark while( fscan(list,x,y) != EOF ) { if ( x < 1. ) x = 1. if ( x > ncol) x = ncol if ( y < 1. ) y = 1. if ( y > nrow) y = nrow print (x,y, >> coofil) } delete (tmptvmark, yes, verify=no) } if (refrecen) { print ("Recentering objects in the reference coordinate list ...") ctrcoo (coofil, coofil, refimg, cntrbox=cbox, redispl=no, verbose=no) } iwc (coofil) ; N1 = iwc.nlines rdlist (coofil, 1) cparse (rdlist.cline, delim=" ") x1 = real(cparse.field1) y1 = real(cparse.field2) # If a new reference coordinate file was created, save it... if (!oldcoo && coofil != chkimg.imroot ) { chkimg (refimg, "access", verbose=no) if (substr(chkimg.imrpstr,3,3) == "]") { copy (coofil, chkimg.imroot//"."//substr(chkimg.imrpstr,2,2)//".coo", verbose=no) print (" refcoords = "//chkimg.imroot//"."//substr(chkimg.imrpstr,2,2)//".coo", >> txtlog) } else { copy (coofil, chkimg.imroot//".coo", verbose=no) print (" refcoords = "//chkimg.imroot//".coo", >> txtlog) } } else { print (" refcoords = "//coofil, >> txtlog) } print (" input = "//img, >> txtlog) # Display the image to be registered, and overlay the positions # of the stars in the reference frame ... xdisplay (img, z1=0., z2=0., zmode="linear", verbose=no) tvmark (frame=1, coor=coofil, logfile="", autolog=yes, outimage="", mark="plus", radii="0", lengths="0", label=no, number=yes, nxoffset=9, nyoffset=0, txsize=1, pointsize=3, font="raster", color=207, commands="", interactive=no, > "dev$null", >& "STDERR" ) # Ask the user to mark all the stars ... print ("Wait for the cursor cross to appear in the image display area, then") print ("mark all reference stars in the same order using the 'c' key.") sleep(1) tmptvmark = mktemp("tvmark") tvmark (frame=1, coor="", logfile=tmptvmark, autolog=yes, outimage="", mark="circle", radii=str(cbox), lengths="0", label=no, number=no, nxoffset=9, nyoffset=0, txsize=1, pointsize=3, font="raster", color=204, commands="", interactive=yes, > "dev$null", >& "STDERR" ) # Check whether all objects in the list were marked or whether # the positions in the reference image may serve as an initial # guess after taking into account a possible shift. iwc (tmptvmark) ; N2 = iwc.nlines rdlist (tmptvmark, 1) cparse (rdlist.cline, delim=" ") x2 = real(cparse.field1) y2 = real(cparse.field2) if ( N2 > N1 ) { print ("ERROR: More objects marked than read from reference list!", >> txtlog) error (1,"More objects marked than read from reference list!") } if ( N2 < N1 ) { print ("Guessing the positions of the unmarked reference objects...") for ( NN = (N2+1) ; NN <= N1; NN = NN + 1 ) { rdlist (coofil, NN) cparse (rdlist.cline, delim=" ") print ((real(cparse.field1)+x2-x1),(real(cparse.field2)+y2-y1), >> tmptvmark) } } print ("TVMARK: N_obj = "//str(N1)//", N_marked = "//str(N2)//", N_guessed = "//str(N1-N2), >> txtlog) # Show what we're doing... print ("Recentering objects in the coordinate list ...") ctrcoo (tmptvmark, tmptvmark, img, cntrbox=cbox, redispl=no, verbose=no) # Preparing the input coordinate file for 'geomap' ... tmpgeo = mktemp("tmpgeo_in") for ( NN = 1 ; NN < N1 ; NN = NN + 1 ) { rdlist (coofil, NN) ; cstr = rdlist.cline rdlist (tmptvmark, NN) print (cstr//" "//rdlist.cline, >> tmpgeo) } # Derive the transformation (involving shifts, scaling and/or # image rotation. print ("GEOMAP: Computing the spatial transformation function...") print ("GEOMAP: Computing the spatial transformation function...", >> txtlog) tmpsol = mktemp("tmpgeo_sol") geomap (tmpgeo, "geomap.sol", 1., real(ncol), 1., real(nrow), transforms="", results="", fitgeometry="rscale", function="polynomial", xxorder=2, xyorder=2, xxterms="none", yxorder=2, yyorder=2, yxterms="none", calctype="real", reject=4., verbose=yes, interactive=no, graphics="", cursor="", > tmpsol) tail (tmpsol, nlines=8) | match ("Coordinate", stop=yes, >> txtlog) if (verbose) { tail (tmpsol, nlines=8) | match ("Coordinate", stop=yes) } delete (tmpsol, yes, verify=no) if (execute) { print ("GEOTRAN: "//img//" --> "//outimg) print ("GEOTRAN: interpol = "//intpl//" boundary="//bndry, >> txtlog) print (" "//img//" --> "//outimg, >> txtlog) geotran (img, outimg, "geomap.sol", tmpgeo, geometry="linear", xin=INDEF, yin=INDEF, xshift=INDEF, yshift=INDEF, xout=INDEF, yout=INDEF, xmag=INDEF, ymag=INDEF, xrotation=INDEF, yrotation=INDEF, xmin=INDEF, xmax=INDEF, ymin=INDEF, ymax=INDEF, xscale=1., yscale=1., ncols=INDEF, nlines=INDEF, xsample=1., ysample=1., interpolant=intpl, boundary=bndry, constant=0., fluxconserve=yes, nxblock=512, nyblock=512, verbose=verbose) } if (access(tmptvmark)) { delete (tmptvmark, yes, verify=no) } if (access(tmpgeo)) { delete (tmpgeo, yes, verify=no) } if (access("geomap.sol")) { delete ("geomap.sol", verify=no) } if (verbose) { print ("Finished.") } print ("IMREGISTER: Finished.", >> txtlog) end