[front cover]  [page-1] Pag. 2 [page+1]  [page+10]  [back cover]

    Running from the near ultra-violet (365 nm, left on the back cover) to the far red (705 nm, right on the front cover) the integrated spectrum of irregular galaxy A11592+6237 is shown. It displays the relatively strong blue continuum and the nebular emission lines that are typical for actively star forming galaxies. A11592+6237 is a good example of a galaxy with a very large [O II] / H\alpha ratio (chapter 4 of this thesis). [O II] (373 nm, violet) and H\alpha (656 nm, red) are the two strongest emission lines seen in this spectrum.
    The back cover also shows a gallery of the B filter (blue light) images of all galaxies observed in the Nearby Field Galaxy Survey. The images have been ordered according to their morphological type from left (early type: elliptical) to right (late type: irregular/peculiar), and according to their absolute blue magnitude from top (luminous) to bottom (faint). The apparent sizes of the galaxies in this gallery do not reflect their physical sizes: galaxies at the top left are 20 times bigger ( ~ 30 kpc, assuming Ho=100 km s-1 Mpc-1) than those at the lower right (1.5 kpc).

© 2000 R.A. Jansen

[front cover]  [page-1] Pag. 2 [page+1]  [page+10]  [back cover]