Arizona State University
Welcome to
Seth's Page

This is an old site and is perpetually under construction.


Below are some of my research projects related to my PhD Dissertation 
Paper 1 - The HST WFPC2 B-Band Parallel Survey
Paper 2 - The Brighter Side of Morphological Galaxy Counts

Next are some research projects that may or may not be in the dissertation.
-Automated Galaxy Morphology: A Fourier Approach 
     Odewahn, Cohen, Windhorst & Philip 2002,APJ,568,539preprint

-HST Archival Study of The WFPC2 Morphology of FIRST Sources
(more added soon)

Here are some pictures from our recent 6.5m MMT Run 
  MMT Pictures

Here is some stuff for our planetarium show 

Here is some other stuff I've put here 