Biosignatures in Ice

In a recently funded JPL/SURP funded pilot project, the Neuer lab is investigating, the effect of the impact of descent engine exhaust on biosignatures and properties of ice in collaboration with scientists at JPL The purpose of the study is to investigate the potential contamination of the ice by the rocket plume impinging onto the surface, and its impact on surface properties of the ice and enclosed biosignatures. The experiments are going to be conducted in the Extraterrestrial Materials Simulation Lab at JPL in a vacuum chamber using a small thruster firing onto super cooled water ice containing sea ice bacteria isolated from Arctic Sea Ice. The experiments are important in the context of future exploration of airless icy bodies in the solar system (e.g., Europa, Triton, Enceladus) with a soft lander. Click on the "Members" button to find out more about the ongoing projects.

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