Contour Map

Contour Map w/ Grid and Data

Scaled Map

Surface Plot

Mesh Plot

What are the landforms that you observe and how are they arranged? There is relatively flat topography to the southwest of the fault, which becomes abruptly more steep and hilly once you cross the fault. There are also offset stream channels - the downstream portions of which appear to have moved northwest relative the upstream portions. The fault itself is seen as a fairly linear feature trending NW SE

Where would you put the San andreas fault (right lateral fault system)? I would put the SAF on the edge of where the topography changes from flat to hilly. This is also the location where the streams take 90 degree turns. The fault would lie along the trend of the streams where they make this turn.

What is the evidence for offset along the fault zone? In this area, the main evidence for fault movement and offset are the offset stream channels, which show clear right-lateral fault movement. However, the change in topographic relief and small extensional and compressional features along the fault also show that the fault is active. There are also what may be a few small offset spurs.

Crustal Thickness Assignment Script

Are there obvious regions of thick or thin crust? Yes, the crust is thicker in the southeast corner of the map. There are regions of very thin crust to the north and west with isolated thick areas.

Is there a correlation between crustal thickness and topography? Yes, the crust is thickest in the region of the Colorado Plateau, and the crust is thin in areas that have experiences extension, like in the basin and range. So, the thickened crust correlates with relatively flat high terrain, whereas the thinner crust underlies areas that have fault block mountain ranges. These mountain ranges also explain the isolated areas of thicker crust within the thin crusted regions.

Are there an areas with obvious changes in Vp/Vs?The Vp/Vs varies considerably over the map, and in general does not seem to coorelate well with crustal thickness. However, there are some regions that show coorelative patterns between thickened crust and high Vp/Vs.