Fourth Edition

We all have witnessed the rapid development of computer science and its applications in many domains, particularly in Web-based computing (Web 2.0), cloud computing, big data processing, and mobile computing. As a science discipline, the fundamentals of computer science, including programming language principles and the classic programming languages, are stable and do not change with the technological innovations. C, C++, Scheme/LISP, and Prolog belong to the classic programming languages that were developed several decades ago and are still the most significant programming languages today, both in theory and in practice. However, the technologies that surround these languages have been changed and improved, which give these languages new perspectives and new applications. For example, C++ is extended to generic classes and writing multithread programs. Functional programming principles are widely used in database query languages and the new object- and service-oriented programming languages such as C#.

This text is intended for computer science and computer engineering students in their sophomore year of study. It is assumed that students have completed a basic computer science course and have learned a high-level programming language like C, C++, or Java.

Most of the content presented in the text has been used in the “Introduction to Programming Languages” course taught by the author in the School of Computer Science at the University of the Witwatersrand at Johannesburg, and in the Computer Science and Engineering programs at Arizona State University. This text is different the existing texts on programming languages that either focus on teaching programming paradigms, principles, and the language mechanisms, or focus on language constructs and programming skills. This text takes a balanced approach on both sides. It teaches four programming languages representing four major programming paradigms. Programming paradigms, principles, and language mechanisms are used as the vehicle to facilitate learning of the four programming languages in a coherent way. The goals of such a programming course are to make sure that computer science students are exposed to different programming paradigms and language mechanisms, and obtain sufficient programming skills and experience in different programming languages, so that they can quickly use these or similar languages in other courses.

Although there are many different programming paradigms, imperative, object-oriented, functional, and logic programming paradigms are the four major paradigms widely taught in computer science and computer engineering departments around the world. The four languages we will study in the text are the imperative C, object-oriented C++, functional Scheme, and logic Prolog. At the end of the course, students should understand

  • the language structures at different layers (lexical, syntactic, contextual, and semantic), the control structures and the execution models of imperative, object-oriented, functional, and logic programming languages;
  • program processing (compilation versus interpretation) and preprocessing (macros and inlining);
  • different aspects of a variable, including its type, scope, name, address, memory location, and value.

More specific features of programming languages and programming issues are explored in cooperation with the four selected languages. Students are expected to have understood and be able to

  • write C programs with complex data types, including pointers, arrays, and generic structures, as well as programs with static and dynamic memory allocation;
  • apply the object-oriented features such as inheritance and class hierarchy, polymorphism and typing, overloading, early versus late binding, as well as the constructors, the destructor and the management of static memory, stack, and heap in C++;
  • apply the functional programming style of parameter passing and write Scheme programs requiring multiple functions;
  • apply the logic programming style of parameter passing, write Prolog facts, rules, and goals, and use multiple rules to solve problems;
  • be able to write programs requiring multiple subprograms/procedures to solve large programming problems;
  • be able to write recursive subprograms/procedures in imperative, object-oriented, functional, and logic programming languages.

The text have been revised and improved throughout the entire text in each of new editions. In the second edition, the major change made was the inclusion of programming in Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). Since the publication of the first edition in 2003, SOA programming has emerged as a new programming paradigm, which has demonstrated its strength to become a dominating programming paradigm. All major computing companies, including HP, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, Oracle, SAP, and Sun Microsystems, have moved into this new paradigm and are using the new paradigm to produce software and even hardware systems. The need for skill in SOA programming increases as the deployment of SOA applications increases. This new SOA paradigm is not only important in the practice of programming, but it also contributes to the concepts and principles of programming theory. In fact, SOA programming applies a higher level of abstraction, which requires fewer technical details for building large software applications. We, the authors of this book, are leading researchers and educators in SOA programming. The inclusion of the new chapter on C# and SOA programming makes the text unique, which allows teaching of the most contemporary programming concepts and practice. The new chapter also gives professors a new component to choose from, which adds flexibility for them to select different contents for different courses. As SOA has developed significantly in the past 10 years, this chapter is also updated in the fourth edition to include an introduction to Silverlight animation, phone application development, cloud computing, and big data processing.

In the third edition, we completely rewrite Chapter 5. We also discuss the modern applications of Prolog in the semantic Web (Web 3.0) and its relationship with the currently used Web semantic languages RDF (Resource Description Framework) and OWL (Web Ontology Language). Semantic Web is considered the next generation of Web that allows the Web to be browsed and explored by both humans and computer programs. In the third edition revised print, this chapter is further expanded with the latest computing technologies in cloud computing and big data processing.

Since the publication of the second edition in 2006, the programming environment for chapter 4, on Scheme, has been changed from DrScheme to DrRacket. The change does not affect the examples in the text. They all work in the new DrRacket environment, except certain notational issues. We have updated chapter 4 to match the changes made in DrRacket.

As parallel computing and multithreading are becoming more and more important in software development, the third edition adds a new section on parallel computing and multithreading in C++, in Chapter 3. A MapReduce example is used as a case study for explaining multithreading in C++. The parallel computing concept is also emphasized in Chapter 4, where the eager evaluation and higher functions Map and Reduce are linked to parallel computing.

In the fourth edition, we added a number of new sections and many examples throughout Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 to explain the more difficulty concepts. In Chapter 1, macro expansion and execution are explained in more detail and the order of executions are discussed and showed on different programming environments. More complex example of syntax graphs are given in Section 1.2. In Chapter 2, structure padding is discussed in Section 2.5. The file operations in Section 2.6 are extended. More recursive examples are given in Section 2.7. A case study that puts all together is given in a new section at the end of the chapter. In Chapter 3, a new subsection on memory leak detection is added in Section 3.3 on memory management. Section 3.4 on inheritance is extended with a new subsection on type casting. A new section on C++ file operations is added as Section 3.5. In Chapter 4, the application of filtering in query languages is added in Section 4.9. In the new editions, Chapter 5 is further extended to include Web application and phone application development in C#. It also extends the discussions to cloud computing and big data processing.

This edition of the text is organized into six chapters and three appendices. Chapter 1 discusses the programming paradigms, principles, and common aspects of programming languages. Chapter 2 uses C as the example of the imperative programming paradigm to teach how to write imperative programs. It is assumed that the students have a basic understanding of a high-level programming language such as C, C++, or Java. Chapter 3 extends the discussion and programming from C to C++. The chapter focuses on the main features of object-oriented programming paradigms, including class composition, dynamic memory management and garbage collection, inheritance, dynamic memory allocation and de-allocation, late binding, polymorphism, and class hierarchy. Chapters 4 and 5 take a major paradigm shift to teach functional and logic programming, respectively. Students are not required to have any knowledge of functional and logic programming to learn from these two chapters. Chapter 6 gives a brief introduction to C# and service-oriented computing paradigm. A full discussion of the service-oriented computing paradigm is given in another book by the authors: Service-Oriented Computing and Web Software Integration. Assignments, programming exercises, and projects are given at the end of each chapter. The sections with an asterisk (*) are optional and can be skipped if time does not permit covering all the material. Chapters 4 and 5 are self-contained and can be taught independently, or in a different order.

The three appendices provide supplementary materials to the main text. In Appendix A, the basic computer organization and assembly language programming are introduced. If students do not have a basic computer science background, the material should be covered in the class. Appendix B starts with basic Unix commands. If the class uses a Unix-based laboratory environment, students can read the appendix to get started with Unix. Then the appendix introduces the major programming language environments that can be used to support teaching the four programming languages, including GNU GCC/G++ for C and C++, Visual Studio for C and C++, DrRacket for Scheme, and GNU Prolog. Appendix C gives the ASCII code table that is referred to in various parts of the text.

The text consists of six chapters, which can be considered reconfigurable components of a course. A half-semester course (25–30 lecture hours) can teach from two to three chapters, and a full semester course can teach four to five chapters of choice from the text. Chapter 3 (C++) is closely related to chapter 2. If chapter 3 is selected as a component of a course, chapter 2, or a part of chapter 2, should be selected as well. Other chapters are relatively independent of each other and can be selected freely to compose a course.

For a half-semester course, sensible course compositions could include: (chapters 1, 2, 3); (chapters 2, 3); (chapters 1, 2, 6); (chapters 2, 3, 6); (chapters 1, 4, 5); and (chapters 4, 5). For a full semester course, sensible course compositions could include: (chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5); (chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 6); (chapters 1, 2, 3, 5, 6); and (chapters 2, 3, 4, 5, 6).

I wish to thank all those who have contributed to the materials and to the formation of this text. Particularly, I would like to thank my colleagues, Scott Hazelhurst and Conrad Mueller, of the University of the Witwatersrand, and Richard Whitehouse of Arizona State University who shared their course materials with me. Parts of these materials were used teaching the programming languages course and in preparing this text. Thomas Boyd, Joe DeLibero, and Renee Turban of Arizona State University reviewed the drafts of the text and made constructive suggestions and useful comments. Other instructors using this text have given me invaluable feedback and improvement suggestions, including Janaka Balasooriya, Calvin Cheng, and Mutsumi Nakamura. My teaching assistants helped me in the past few years to prepare the assignments and programming exercises, particularly, I could like to thank Ruben Acuna, Raynette Brodie, Gennaro De Luca, and Garrett Gutierrez.

The text was written while I was carrying out a full university workload. I am thankful to my family. I could not imagine that I would be able to complete the task without their generous support by allowing me to use most of the weekends in the past year to write the text.

Although I have used the materials in teaching the programming languages courses at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg and at Arizona State University for several years, the text was put together in a short period of time. There are certainly many errors of different kinds. I would appreciate it if you could send me any corrections, comments, or suggestions for improving the text. My email address dedicated to dealing with the responses to the text is <>. Instructors who use the text can contact the author for instructional support, including lecture slides in PowerPoint format and the solutions to the assignments.

Yinong Chen and Wei-Tek Tsai

May 2015


Table of Contents

Preface    x

Chapter 1      Basic Principles of Programming Languages. 1

1.1      Introduction. 1

1.1.1     Programming concepts and paradigms  1

1.1.2     Program performance and features of programming languages  3

1.1.3     Development of programming languages  4

1.2      Structures of programming languages. 7

1.2.1     Lexical structure  7

1.2.2     Syntactic structure  7

1.2.3     Contextual structure  7

1.2.4     Semantic structure  8

1.2.5     BNF notation  8

1.2.6     Syntax graph  10

1.3      Data types and type checking. 11

1.3.1     Data types and type equivalence  11

1.3.2     Type checking and type conversion  12

1.3.3     Orthogonality  13

1.4      Program processing and preprocessing. 15

1.4.1     Interpretation and compilation  15

1.4.2     Preprocessing: macro and inlining  16

*1.5   Program development 21

1.5.1     Program development process  22

1.5.2     Program testing  22

1.5.3     Correctness proof  26

1.6      Summary. 28

1.7      Homework and programming exercises. 29

Chapter 2      The Imperative Programming Languages, C/C++. 35

2.1      Getting started with C/C++. 36

2.1.1     Write your first C/C++ program   36

2.1.2     Basic input and output functions  37

2.1.3     Formatted input and output functions  37

2.2      Control structures in C/C++. 39

2.2.1     Operators and the order of evaluation  40

2.2.2     Basic selection structures (if-then-else and the conditional expression) 40

2.2.3     Multiple selection structure (switch) 42

2.2.4     Iteration structures (while, do-while, and for) 45

2.3      Data and basic data types in C/C++. 47

2.3.1     Declaration of variables and functions  47

2.3.2     Scope rule  48

2.3.3     Basic data types  49

2.4      Complex types. 52

2.4.1     Array  52

2.4.2     Pointer 54

2.4.3     String  57

2.4.4     Constants  65

2.4.5     Enumeration type  66

2.5      Compound data types. 69

2.5.1     Structure types and size of structure variable  69

2.5.2     Union  71

2.5.3     Array of structures using static memory allocation  73

2.5.4     Linked list using dynamic memory allocation  76

2.5.5     Stack  80

2.6      Standard input and output, files, and file operations. 83

2.6.1     Basic concepts of files and file operations  83

2.6.2     File operations in C   84

2.6.3     Flush operation in C   88

2.7      Functions and parameter passing. 90

2.8      Recursive structures and applications. 94

2.8.1     Loop structures versus recursive structures  94

2.8.2     The fantastic-four abstract approach of writing recursive functions  95

2.8.3     Hanoi Towers  96

2.8.4     A simple recursive sorting algorithm   99

2.8.5     Merge sort algorithm   101

2.8.6     Quick sort algorithm   102

2.8.7     Gray code generation  103

2.9      Modular design. 105

2.10   Case Study: Putting All Together 107

2.11   Summary. 114

2.12   Homework, programming exercises, and projects. 117

Chapter 3      The Object-Oriented Programming Language, C++. 137

3.1      A long program example: a queue and a priority queue written in C++. 138

3.2      Class definition and composition. 141

3.2.1     Class definition  141

3.2.2     Scope resolution operator 142

3.2.3     Objects from a class  143

3.2.4     Definition of constructor and destructor 143

3.3      Memory management and garbage collection. 144

3.3.1     Static: global variables and static local variables  145

3.3.2     Runtime stack for local variables  146

3.3.3     Heap: dynamic memory allocation  149

3.3.4     Scope and garbage collection  149

3.3.5     Memory leak detection  154

3.4      Inheritance. 161

3.4.1     Class containment and inheritance  161

3.4.2     Inheritance and hierarchy  164

3.4.3     Inheritance and polymorphism   178

3.4.4     Polymorphism and type checking  180

3.4.5     Polymorphism and late binding  181

3.4.6     Type Casting in C++  181

3.5      File Operations in C++. 183

3.5.1     File objects and operations in C++  183

3.5.2     Ignore operation in C++  186

3.6      Exception Handling. 187

*3.7   Parallel computing and multithreading. 191

3.7.1     Basic concepts in parallel computing and multithreading  191

3.7.2     Generic features in C++  191

3.7.3     Case Study: Implementing multithreading in C++  193

3.8      Summary. 196

3.9      Homework, programming exercises, and projects. 199

Chapter 4      The Functional Programming Language, Scheme. 209

4.1      From imperative programming to functional programming. 210

4.2      Prefix notation. 212

4.3      Basic Scheme terminology. 214

4.4      Basic Scheme data types and functions. 217

4.4.1     Number types  217

4.4.2     Boolean  218

4.4.3     Character 219

4.4.4     String  220

4.4.5     Symbol 220

4.4.6     Pair 221

4.4.7     List 222

4.4.8     Application of Quotes  223

4.4.9     Definition of procedure and procedure type  225

4.4.10  Input/output and nonfunctional features  226

*4.5   Lambda-calculus. 228

4.5.1     Lambda-expressions  228

4.5.2     l-procedure and parameter scope  229

4.5.3     Reduction rules  229

4.6      Define your Scheme procedures and macros. 231

4.6.1     Unnamed procedures  231

4.6.2     Named procedures  231

4.6.3     Scopes of variables and procedures  231

4.6.4     Let-form and unnamed procedures  233

4.6.5     Macros  234

4.6.6     Compare and contrast imperative and functional programming paradigms  236

4.7      Recursive procedures. 238

4.8      Define recursive procedures on data types. 240

4.8.1     Number manipulations  240

4.8.2     Character and string manipulations  243

4.8.3     List manipulations  244

4.9      Higher-order functions. 246

4.9.1     Mapping  247

4.9.2     Reduction  248

4.9.3     Filtering  249

4.9.4     Application of filtering in query languages  251

4.10   Summary. 252

4.11   Homework, programming exercises, and projects. 253

Chapter 5      The Logic Programming Language, Prolog. 263

5.1      Basic concepts of logic programming in Prolog. 263

5.1.1     Prolog basics  264

5.1.2     Structures of Prolog facts, rules, and goals  266

5.2      The Prolog execution model 267

5.2.1     Unification of a goal 267

5.2.2     Example of searching through a database  269

5.3      Arithmetic operations and database queries. 270

5.3.1     Arithmetic operations and built-in functions  270

5.3.2     Combining database queries with arithmetic operations  272

5.4      Prolog functions and recursive rules. 274

5.4.1     Parameter passing in Prolog  274

5.4.2     Factorial example  274

5.4.3     Fibonacci numbers example  275

5.4.4     Hanoi Towers  276

5.4.5     Graph model and processing  276

5.4.6     Map representation and coloring  278

5.5      List and list manipulation. 279

5.5.1     Definition of pairs and lists  279

5.5.2     Pair simplification rules  280

5.5.3     List membership and operations  281

5.5.4     Knapsack problem   284

5.5.5     Quick sort 285

5.6      Flow control structures. 287

5.6.1     Cut 287

5.6.2     Fail 290

5.6.3     Repeat 291

*5.7   Prolog application in semantic Web. 293

5.8      Summary. 294

5.9      Homework, programming exercises, and projects. 297

Chapter 6      Fundamentals of the Service-Oriented Computing Paradigm.. 305

6.1      Introduction to C#. 305

6.1.1     Getting started with C# and Visual Studio  305

6.1.2     Comparison between C++ and C#  307

6.1.3     Namespaces and the using directives  307

6.1.4     The queue example in C#  309

6.1.5     Class and object in C#  310

6.1.6     Parameters: passing by reference with ref&out  313

6.1.7     Base classes and constructors  314

6.1.8     Constructor, destructor, and garbage collection  314

6.1.9     Pointers in C#  315

6.1.10  C# unified type system   316

6.1.11  Further topics in C#  317

6.2      Service-oriented computing paradigm.. 317

6.2.1     Basic concepts and terminologies  318

6.2.2     Web services development 319

6.2.3     Service-oriented system engineering  320

6.2.4     Web services and enabling technologies  321

6.3      *Service providers: programming Web services in C#. 323

6.3.1     Creating a Web service project 324

6.3.2     Writing the service class  324

6.3.3     Launch and access your Web services  325

6.3.4     Automatically generating a WSDL file  328

6.4      Publishing and searching Web services using UDDI 329

6.4.1     UDDI file  329

6.4.2     ebXML  331

6.4.3     Ad hoc registry lists  332

6.5      Building applications using ASP.Net 332

6.5.1     Creating your own Web browser 333

6.5.2     Creating a Windows application project in ASP.Net 334

6.5.3     Developing a Web site application to consume Web services  339

6.6      Silverlight and Phone Applications Development 342

6.6.1     Silverlight Applications  342

6.6.2     Developing Windows Phone Apps Using Silverlight 345

6.7      Cloud computing and big data processing. 353

6.7.1     Cloud computing  353

6.7.2     Big data  356

6.8      Summary. 358

6.9      Homework, programming exercises, and projects. 359

Appendix A   Basic Computer Architectures and Assembly Language Programming. 365

A.1     Basic computer components and computer architectures. 365

A.2     Computer architectures and assembly programming. 367

A.3     Subroutines and local variables on stack. 371

Appendix B   Programming Environments Supporting C, C++, Scheme, and Prolog. 373

B.1     Introduction to Unix commands. 373

B.2     Programming environments supporting C, C++, and C# programming. 377

B.2.1    Getting started with GNU GCC under the Unix operating system   377

B.2.2    Getting started with Visual Studio under the MS Windows operating system   377

B.2.3    Download C, C++, and C# programming development tools and environments  378

B.3     Programming environments supporting Scheme programming. 378

B.3.1    Getting started with DrRacket 378

B.3.2    Download DrRacket programming environment 379

B.4     Programming environments supporting Prolog programming. 380

B.4.1    Getting started with the GNU Prolog environment 380

B.4.2    Getting started with Prolog programming  381

B.4.3    Download Prolog programming development tools  383

Appendix C   ASCII Character Table. 385

Bibliography                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              389

Index    393