"The eternal silence of these infinite spaces frightens me." - Blaise Pascal


Environmental Justice
Kim, Y., & Chun, Y. (2019). Revisiting environmental inequity in Southern California: Does environmental risk increase in ethnically homogeneous or mixed Communities? Urban Studies, 56(9), 1748-1767, also check LSE Blog
Corley, E.A., Ahn, J., Kim, Y., Lucio, J., Rugland, E., & Molina, A. (2018). Conceptualizing lenses, dimensions, constructs and indicators for urban park quality. Environmental Justice, 11(6), Link
Eckerd, A., Kim, Y., & Campbell, H. (2018). Gentrification and displacement: Modeling a complex urban process. Housing Policy Debate, 29(2), 273-295
Eckerd, A., Kim, Y., & Campbell, H. (2017). Community privilege and environmental justice: An agent-based analysis. Review of Policy Research, 34(2), 144-167
Kim, Y., & Verweij, S. (2016). Two effective causal paths that explain the adoption of U.S. state environmental justice policies. Policy Sciences, 49(4), 505-523
Campbell, H., Kim, Y., & Eckerd, A. (2014). Local zoning and environmental justice: An agent-based analysis. Urban Affairs Review, 50(4), 521-552.
Kim, Y., Campbell, H., & Eckerd, A. (2014). Residential choice constraints and environmental justice. Social Science Quarterly, 95(1), 40-56.
Eckerd, A., Campbell, H., & Kim, Y. (2012). Helping those like us or harming those unlike us: Illuminating social processes leading to environmental injustice. Environment and Planning B, 39(5), 945-964.
Chun, Y., Kim, Y., & Campbell, H. (2012). Using Bayesian methods to control for spatial autocorrelation in environmental justice research: An illustration using Toxics Release Inventory data for a Sunbelt county. Journal of Urban Affairs, 34(4), 419-439.

Public Health & Welfare Services

Infectious Diseases and Response
Kim, Y., Ku, M., & Oh, S. (In press). Public health emergency response coordination: Putting the plan into practice. Journal of Risk Research.
Kim, Y., Kim, J., Oh, S., Kim, S-W, Ku, M., & Cha, J. (In press). Community analysis of a crisis response network. Social Science Computer Review.
Kim, Y., Kim, J., Oh, S.S., Kim, S-W, & Ku, M. (2019). Subgroup analysis of an epidemic response network of organizations: 2015 MERS outbreak in Korea. dg.o Proceeding. https://doi.org/10.1145/3325112.3325.260
Kim, Y., Zhong, W., Jehn, M., & Walsh, L. (2015). Public risk perceptions and preventive behaviors during the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, 9(2), 145-154.
Zhong, W., Kim, Y., & Jehn, M. (2013). Modeling dynamics of an influenza pandemic with heterogeneous coping behaviors: Case study of a 2009 H1N1 outbreak in Arizona. Computational and Mathematical Organizational Theory, 19(4), 622-645
Zhong, W., Lant, T., Jehn, M., & Kim, Y. (2012). Pandemic influenza simulation with public avoidance behavior. In A. Desai (ed.), Simulations for Policy Inquiry (pp. 181-201), New York: Springer.
Jehn, M., Kim, Y., Bradley, B., & Lant, T. (2011). Community knowledge, risk perception and preparedness for the 2009 influenza A (H1N1) pandemic. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, 17(5), 431-438.

Welfare Program Issues
Kim, Y., & Maroulis, S. (2018). Rethinking social welfare fraud from a complex adaptive systems perspective. Administration & Society, 50(1), 78-100
Kim, Y., Zhong, W., & Chun, Y. (2013). Modeling sanction choices on fraudulent benefit exchanges in public service delivery. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 16(2)8, http://jasss.soc.surrey.ac.uk/16/2/8.html
Kim, Y. (2012). Simulating a fraud mechanism in public service delivery. In A. Desai (Ed.), Simulations for Policy Inquiry (pp. 121-138), New York: Springer.
Kim, Y., Kim, S., & Kim, H. (2010). Transfer from a home and community-based long-term care program to a nursing home: The Ohio experience. International Journal of Public Policy, 5(2/3), 160-174.
Desai, A., Greenbaum, R., & Kim, Y. (2009). Incorporating policy criteria in spatial analysis. American Review of Public Administration, 39(1), 23-42.
Kim, Y., & Xiao, N. (2008). FraudSim: Simulating fraud in a public delivery program. In L. Liu & J. Eck. (Eds.). Artificial Crime Analysis Systems: Using Computer Simulations and Geographic Information Systems (pp. 319-338), Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Kim, Y. (2007). Using spatial analysis for monitoring fraud in a public delivery program. Social Science Computer Review, 25(3), 287-301.

Analytical Lenses and Techniques
Desai, A., & Kim, Y. (2015). Policy Informatics. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 35(2), 354-357.
Peck, L., Kim, Y., & Lucio, J. (2012). An empirical examination of validity in evaluation. American Journal of Evaluation, 33(3), 350-365.
Catlaw, T., & Kim, Y. (2012). Ontologies of multiplicity and simulation: Possibilities for public affairs inquiry. In L. Gerrits, P. Marks, & F. Boons (Eds.). COMPACT I: Public Administration in Complexity. Litchfield Park, AZ: Emergent Publications.
Kim, Y., & McGraw, C. (2012). Use of agent-based modeling for e-Governance research. Proceeding of the 6th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance. (Digital)
Kim, Y., Hahn, D., & Coursey, D. (2012). Decisions in research review boards: The roles of individual characteristics and communication media. Public Integrity, 14(2), 173-192.
Kim, Y., Johnston, E., & Kang, H.S. (2011). A computational approach to managing performance dynamics of networked governance systems. Public Performance & Management Review, 34(4), 580-597.
Zhong, W., & Kim, Y. (2010). Using model replication to improve the reliability of agent-based models. In S.K. Chai, J.J. Salerno, & P.L. Mabry (Eds.), Advances in Social Computing (pp. 118-127). New York: Springer.
Johnston, E., Kim, Y., & Ayyangar, M. (2007). Intending the unintended: The act of building agent-based models as a regular source of knowledge generation. Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems, 5(2), 81-91.