The Sestina


The Sestina Project is a visual equivalent of various sestinas by poets including John Ashbery, Honor Moore, Judith Kroll and her partner in the Sestina Project, Mary Pinard.  It was exhibited in Boston at the Trustman Art Gallery at Simmons College from March 16 until April 30, 1999. 

The effect of the sestina is meditative and kaleidoscopic. In her various size wall pieces, artist Jane Kamine visualizes the poetic form of sestina poetry in both figurative and abstract images expressive of the poem itself. In response to the poetry's evocation of rhythm and cadence, Kamine substitutes colors, patterns, and pictographs for the end words in sestinas.  For more information regarding The Sestina Project, call (617) 521-2268.

Strangely enough, The Sestina Project is not the only effort to consider this form in relation to the visual arts.  In a terribly dry article, Robert Druce compares his process of writing a sestina to the weaving of a particular ancient tapestry.

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