Kokinshu #747 / Ise monogatari
4, by Ariwara no Narihira, 825-880
compiled by Anthony H. Chambers,
Arizona State University
(with a nod to Weinberger
and Paz, who look to Wallace Stevens)
Topic: Love
Once, quite without premeditation,
Narihira began to make love to a lady who lived in the western wing of
a palace belonging to the Gojo Empress. Shortly after the tenth of the
First Month, the lady moved away with no word to him. He learned where
she had gone, but it was impossible to communicate with her. In the spring
of the following year, when the plum blossoms were at their finest, memories
of the preceding year drew him back to the western wing on a beautiful
moonlit night. He lay on the floor of the bare room until the moon sank
low in the sky. (translated by Steven D. Carter)
tsuki ya aranu haru ya mukashi no haru naranu waga mi hitotsu wa moto no mi ni shite
1. Moon? There is none.
Spring? 'Tis not the spring
Of former days:
It is I alone
Who have remained unchanged (Aston,
No moon!
The spring
Is not the spring of the old days,
My body
Is not my body,
But only a body grown old. (Pound
and Fenollosa, 1917)
3. Can it be that there is no moon
And that spring is not
The spring of old,
While I alone remain
The same person? (Waley, 1919)
4. The moon and spring come round
as in old days,
But I alone am changed in earthly
ways. (Wakameda, 1922)
5. And the light of the moon was
not so serene
Or the spring quite the same as
the springs of yore,
Yet still is he the Narihira of
old (Sadler, 1934)
6. Is it then true that
There is no longer a moon,
That the Spring
is not
The Spring of former days--that
I alone remain
unchanged? (Whitehouse, 1938)
7. Is the moon changed?
Is spring no longer
What it was of yore,
While I remain my old self? (NGSKK,
8. This is not the moon,
Nor is this the spring,
Of other springs,
And I alone
Am still the same. (Rexroth, 1956)
9. Is not that the moon?
And is not the spring the same
Spring of the old days?
My body is the same body--
Yet everything seems different.
(Vos, 1957)
10. What now is real?
This moon, this spring, are altered
From their former being--
While this alone, my mortal body,
As ever changed by love beyond all
change. (Brower and Miner, 1961)
11. Can it be that the moon has changed?
Can it be that the spring
Is not the spring of old times?
Is it my body alone
That is just the same? (Bownas and
Thwaite, 1964)
12. This is not the moon
And it cannot be this is the spring
Such as the spring I knew;
I myself the single thing
Remaining as it ever was. (Miner,
13. Is not the moon the same?
The spring
The spring of old?
Only this body of mine
Is the same body . . . (McCullough,
14. Is it not the moon--
is it not the spring--
of yesteryear?
And oh, myself too as I used to
be. (Honda, 1970)
15. The moon: is it not . . .
The spring: is it not . . . last
spring yet unchanged? no,
This body of mine alone
seems the same as once before. (Harris,
16. The moon, the spring, are the
moon and spring of old.
And only I remain as I was then.
(Seidensticker, 1974)
17. The moon is not the same,
And spring is not the spring
Of olden days--
It is only I,
I alone, who remain unchanged. (Zolbrod,
18. The moon--is it gone?
Spring, the by-gone days'
Spring no longer,
While I alone among all
Remain the same as of old? (Shimazaki,
19. The moon is not the moon of that
Spring is not the spring of that
I alone am the same as I was then.
(Walker, 1979)
20. Is not the moon the same?
And is not the spring the same
As other springs?
I alone, though still myself,
(have not remained unchanged). (Hochstedler,
21. It is not the moon of old
Nor has the spring become the spring
of old
Only I am still the same. (Chibbett,
22. Surely this is the moon,
surely this spring
is the spring of years past--
or am I the only one
the same as before? (Watson, 1981)
23. is this not that moon
is this spring not that spring we
shared so long
it seems that I alone am
unaltered from what was then (Rodd,
24. This is not that moon!
Nor is this spring the spring that
In those days bygone!
My being the single thing
Remaining as it ever was . . . (Gatten,
25. That is not the moon,
Nor is this
The spring of years gone by.
I alone remain
As I was before. (Hare, 1986)
26. Is not the moon--
or the spring,
the spring of the past?
Alone I remain
my selfsame self. (Field, 1987)
27. Is not that the moon?
Is this not the spring of old?
Is it only my body
which remains as it was? (Jackson,
28. Is it not the same moon?
Is this spring not the same
Spring of old?
Myself alone remains
A self unchanged as ever. (Huey,
29. Is this not the moon?
And is this not the springtime,
the springtime of old?
Only this body of mine
the same body as before . . . (Carter,
30. Is that not the moon
and the spring not the spring
of long ago?
Yet only I remain
as I was before. (Goff, 1991)
31. This is not that moon.
And this spring is not that spring
Of long ago.
While I myself
Am just as I was before . . . (Pekarik,
32. Is that the same moon?
Is this the same old springtime,
the same ancient spring?
And is this not my body
the same body you once knew? (Hamill,
33. Is this not the moon, this spring not the spring of old? Am I alone the one I ever was? (Tyler, prose translation, 1992)
34. Is that moon the same?
Are these plum blossoms the same
as those of last year?
Only this body of mine
remains unchanged as ever. (Ueda,
35. Is there no moon?
And is this springtime not the spring
Of times gone by?
Myself alone remaining
Still the self I was before . .
. (Cranston, 1996)
36. Here, here is the moon
And the spring
that always comes --
Here, here is
that spring
Yet, my body, my body
Is just the same as before
(Wallace, 1997)
37. There's not a moon, is there? This spring is not the spring of old, is it? Am I myself, the only thing remaining as before (Brazell, prose translation, 1998)
38. Is that not the moon?
And is the spring not the spring
Of a year ago?
This body of mine alone
Remains as it was before. (Keene,
39. Is there not the moon?
And is not the spring
The spring of old?
My self alone
Remains as it was . . . (Rubin,
40. Is this not the moon, is this spring not the spring of old, while only I remain just as I was then? (Tyler, prose translation, 2001)
41. Is this not that moon?
And Spring: is as the Spring of
Is it not?
Only this body of mine
Is as it ever was . . . (McAuley,
42. The moon is not that moon, nor
the spring the spring of old
and I alone am as I was before.
(Chambers, 2002)
Aston: W. G. Aston, A HISTORY OF JAPANESE LITERATURE, 1899. Reprinted by Reprint Services, 1985.
Bownas and Thwaite: Geoffrey Bownas and Anthony Thwaite, THE PENGUIN BOOK OF JAPANESE VERSE. Baltimore: Penguin, 1964.
Brazell: Karen Brazell, translator, IZUTSU, in TRADITIONAL JAPANESE THEATER: AN ANTHOLOGY OF PLAYS. Columbia University press, 1998.
Brower and Miner: Robert H. Brower and Earl Miner, JAPANESE COURT POETRY. Stanford University Press, 1961.
Carter: Steven D. Carter, TRADITIONAL JAPANESE POETRY, AN ANTHOLOGY. Stanford University Press, 1991.
Chambers: Anthony H. Chambers, trans., "The Reed-Choked House." In Haruo Shirane, ed., Early Modern Japanese Literature: An Anthology, 1600-1900. Columbia University Press, 2002. Note: In this compilation I've given the original form of my translation. The version in the anthology has been mangled by editors.
Chibbett: Kato Shuichi, A HISTORY OF JAPANESE LITERATURE: THE FIRST THOUSAND YEARS, translated by David Chibbett. NY: Kodansha International, 1979, 135.
Cranston: Edwin A. Cranston, "'Mystery and Depth' in Japanese Court Poetry." In Thomas Hare, et al, eds., THE DISTANT ISLE. Center for Japanese Studies, The University of Michigan, 1996.
Field: Norma Field, THE SPLENDOR OF LONGING IN THE TALE OF GENJI. Princeton University Press, 1987.
Gatten: Jin'ichi Konishi, A HISTORY OF JAPANESE LITERATURE, VOLUME TWO: THE EARLY MIDDLE AGES, translated by Aileen Gatten. Princeton University Press, 1986.
Goff: Janet Goff, NOH DRAMA AND THE TALE OF GENJI. Princeton University Press, 1991.
Hamill: Sam Hamill, translator. ONLY COMPANION: JAPANESE POEMS OF LOVE AND LONGING. Boston and London: Shambhala, 1992.
Hare: Thomas Blenman Hare. ZEAMI'S STYLE: THE NOH PLAYS OF ZEAMI MOTOKIYO. Stanford University Press, 1986, p. 281-2 note 20.
Harris: H. Jay Harris, THE TALES OF ISE. Tokyo: Tuttle, 1972.
Hochstedler: Carol Hochstedler, translator, THE TALE OF NEZAME. Cornell University East Asia Papers Number 22, Cornell China-Japan Program, 1979.
Honda: H. H. Honda, translator, THE KOKIN WAKA-SHU. The Hokuseido Press, the Eirinsha Press, 1970.
Huey: Robert Huey, KYOGOKU TAMAKANE. Stanford University Press, 1989.
Jackson: Earl Jackson, Jr., translator. URIN'IN, in Karen Brazell, ed., TWELVE PLAYS OF THE NOH AND KYOGEN THEATER. Cornell University Press, 1988.
Keene: Donald Keene, SEEDS IN THE HEART. Columbia University Press, 1999.
McAuley: Thomas McAuley, 2001 WAKA FOR JAPAN 2001. http://www.shef.ac.uk/japan2001/waka0670.shtml
McCullough: Helen Craig McCullough, trans., TALES OF ISE. Stanford University Press, 1968.
Miner: Earl Miner, AN INTRODUCTION TO JAPANESE COURT POETRY. Stanford University Press, 1968.
NGSKK: Nippon Gakujutsu Shink¿kai. THE NOH DRAMA (translation of IZUTSU). Rutland, VT, and Tokyo: Tuttle, 1955.
Pekarik: Andrew J. Pekarik, translator, in THE THIRTY-SIX IMMORTAL WOMEN POETS. New York: Braziller, 1991.
Pound: Ezra Pound and Ernest Fenollosa. KAKITSUBATA, in 'NOH' OR ACCOMPLISHMENT, A STUDY OF THE CLASSICAL STAGE OF JAPAN. New York: Knopf, 1917.
Rexroth: Kenneth Rexroth, ONE HUNDRED POEMS FROM THE JAPANESE. New York: New Directions, 1956.
Rodd: Laurel Rasplica Rodd, with Mary Catherine Henkenius, KOKINSHU. Princeton University Press, 1984.
Rubin: Jay Rubin, "Five Japanese Portraits" (course handout, Harvard University, 1999)
Sadler: A. L. Sadler, translator, KAKITSUBATA, in JAPANESE PLAYS: NO-KYOGEN-KABUKI. Sydney: Angus and Robertson, 1943.
Seidensticker: Edward G. Seidensticker, translator. THE TALE OF GENJI (chapter 48), by Murasaki Shikibu. New York: Knopf, 1974.
Shimazaki: Chifumi Shimazaki, translator, IZUTSU, in THE NOH: VOLUME THREE: WOMAN NOH 2. Tokyo: Hinoki Shoten, 1977.
Tyler, 1992: Royall Tyler, editor and translator, IZUTSU, in JAPANESE NO DRAMAS. London and New York: Penguin, 1992.
Tyler, 2001: Royall Tyler, trans., THE TALE OF GENJI (chapter 48). New York: Viking, 2001.
Ueda: Makoto Ueda, "Tradition and Innovation in Japanese Poetry," in John K. Gillespie, ed., JAPAN: A LITERARY OVERVIEW. Review of National Literatures, volume 18. New York: Griffon House Publications,1993, p. 59.
Vos: Frits Vos, A STUDY OF THE ISE-MONOGATARI. The Hague: Mouton, 1957.
Wakameda, T[akeji]. EARLY JAPANESE POETS: COMPLETE TRANSLATION OF THE KOKINSHIU. London: The Eastern Press Ltd., 1922. p.173.
Walker: Janet Walker, "Conventions of Love Poetry in Japan and the West." JOURNAL OF THE ASSOCIATION OF TEACHERS OF JAPANESE 14:1, 31-65 (1979).
Waley: Arthur Waley, JAPANESE POETRY, THE 'UTA'. Honolulu: University Pressof Hawaii, 1976; reprint of 1919 Clarendon Press edition, p. 67.
Wallace: John Wallace, translator, in Nichibunken Newsletter No. 27, April 1997.
Watson: Burton Watson (with Hiroaki Sato), FROM THE COUNTRY OF EIGHT ISLANDS. Garden City, NY: Doubleday Anchor, 1981.
Whitehouse: Wilfred Whitehouse, translator. "Ugetsu Monogatari: Tales of a Clouded Moon, by Uyeda Akinari: II. Asajigayado." Monumenta Nipponica 1:2 (1938).
Wilson: Bradley Wilson, ASU class of 2002. Translated in ASU course JPN 485, spring 2002
Zolbrod: Ueda Akinari, UGETSU MONOGATARI: TALES OF MOONLIGHT AND RAIN, translated by Leon Zolbrod. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1974.