Andrea Werneck Richa
School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision systems Engineering
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Arizona State University
Box 878809
Tempe, AZ
85287-8809, U.S.A.
phone 480-965-7555 (voice) 480-965-2751 (fax)
E-mail: initial first name + last name at asu dot edu
Affiliated with
Center for Bio-computing, Security and Society, Biodesign Institute
Center for Human, AI, and Robot Teaming, Global Security Initiative
The Biomimicry Center at ASU
Office Hours:
Curriculum Vitae (update in progress; last partial update 11/18)
Current and Recent Research Projects
A Distributed and Stochastic Algorithmic Framework for Active Matter, funded by NSF-CCF Algorithms-in-the-field (AiTF) awards, 2016-2018 and 2018-2021, PIs: Andrea Richa. (ASU), Dana Randall an Daniel Goldman (Georgia Tech); see also press/publications.
Algorithmic Foundations of Self-organizing Particle Systems, funded by NSF CCF-Algorithmic Foundations and NSF EAGER awards, 2013-2017, PI: Andrea Richa; see also press/publications.
Adversarial Models for Wireless Communication, funded by NSF Algorithmic Foundations, 2011-2014, PI: Andrea Richa.
US-Brazil Collaboration Project: CODPON, A DTN\data mule network focused on Amazon riverine population with e-health applications
Underwater Optical Ad-Hoc Sensor Networks
Recent Keynote\Plenary Talks
Algorithmic Foundations of Programmable Matter , Keynote Speaker LATIN'18 (13th Latin American Theoretical INformatics Symposium). Earlier versions of this talk appeared at BDA'14, the Biomimicry Center at ASU Launch event, 2015, etc.
Other recent talks can be found at
Conference/Program Committees (recent and selected)
DISC'17, Program Committee Chair
NSF Workshop on Self-organizing Particle Systems (SOPS), 2014, colocated with ACM-SIAM SODA 2014, General co-Chair and Founder
IEEE NetSciCom'11 (to be held in conjunction with INFOCOM'11), General Chair
ACM PODC 2010, General Chair
SSS 2012, Program Co-Chair
ACM DIALM-POMC'10, Program Co-Chair
IEEE NetSciCom'10 (held in conjunction with INFOCOM'10), Program Co-Chair
IEEE NetSciCom'09 (held in conjunction with INFOCOM'09), Program Co-Chair and Founder
ACM DIALM-POMC'03, Program Co-Chair
ACM PODC treasurer (2008-09)
ACM SPAA Publicity Chair (2007-11)
International Sympsium on Distributed Computing (DISC), Steering Committee Vice-chair, 2018--
IEEE NetSciCom Steering Committee Chair 2011--
DISC Steering Committee 2016--
ACM PODC Steering Committee 2008-2011
Workshop on Foundations of Mobile Computing (FOMC, formerly DIALM-POMC) Steering Committee 2010--
PC memberships:
Classes Taught Recently
- Fall 2016, Spring 2015: CSE 552: Randomized and Approximation Algorithms.
- Spring 2017: CSE 310 Data Structures and Algorithms,
- Fall 2011: CSE 550: Combinatorial Algorithms and Intractability
- Spring 2018: CSE 450/598 Design and Analysis of Algorithms
- Spring 2018: CSE 551 Foundations of Algorithms
- Spring 2013: CSE 591: Theory of Dynamic Networks
- Fall 2017: ASU 101-FSE: The ASU Experience
I completed my Ph. D. in Algorithms, Combinatorics, and Optimization at the Computer Science Department at Carnegie Mellon University, under the supervision of Bruce Maggs.
Ph. D. Thesis
This page has been partially updated on 30/11/18.