
# row2column.awk
# purpose: convert a one-column file into a multi-column file
# row2column 
#    edit this script and set number columns if not = 3
# Alex Loddoch       29.11.99
# sh wrapper and numcols change added by 
# Bill Sparkman                   29.11.99
#  I could not get  passed in to awk.  Suggestions?
#if [ $# -lt 2 ]
#  then echo "usage: row2column  "
#       echo " where:  is a complete filename and possibly path"
#       echo "         is a number stating how many columns to create"
#  else
if [ $# -lt 1 ]
  then echo "usage: row2column "
       echo " where  is the file your data is stored in."
# this is basically Alex's program, Notice all args are now shell variables
# sh, ksh ... will run this script.  csh will fail - change if statements.
awk '
BEGIN {numcols=3;
       #FS=" ";#put in your FieldSep. here, uncomment this line
               #only needed if more than one column in input lines
{ for (i=1; i

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Prof. Ramón Arrowsmith

Last modified January 17, 2000