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Wednesday Keynote
A Marketplace for Cloud Resources
Cloud computing is an emerging paradigm aimed to offer users
pay-per-use computing resources, while leaving the burden of managing
the computing infrastructure to the cloud provider. We present a new
programming and pricing model that gives the cloud user the
flexibility of trading execution speed and price on a per-job
basis. We discuss the scheduling and resource management challenges
for the cloud provider that arise in the implementation of this
model. We argue that techniques from real-time and embedded software
can be useful in this context. This is joint work with Anmol V. Singh,
Vasu Singh, Thomas Wies, and Damien Zufferey.
Thomas A. Henzinger, IST Austria
Tom Henzinger is President of IST Austria (Institute of Science and
Technology Austria). He has a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from
Stanford University and held faculty positions at Cornell University,
the University of California, Berkeley, the Max-Planck Institute for
Computer Science, and EPFL. His research focuses on modern systems
theory, especially models, algorithms, and tools for the design and
analysis of software, hardware, and embedded systems. He is an ISI
highly cited researcher, a member of Academia Europaea and of the
German Academy of Sciences (Leopoldina), a Fellow of the ACM, and a
Fellow of the IEEE.
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