Aviral Shrivastava: Teaching: ASU 101

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ASU 101: The ASU Experience

Catalog Description

ASU 101 (FSE/CSE) is a required, one-credit course offered in sections capped at 19 and designed to introduce students to Computer Systems Engineering and Computer Science as a profession, provide students with the necessary study skills to be successful in engineering and to familiarize students with the opportunities available to them in the engineering school.


No pre-requisites


No textbook

Course learning outcomes

  1. Students will be able to identify what it means to be a successful student at ASU and ways in which ASU supports their success.
  2. Students will be able to provide a definition of academic dishonesty and the consequences of that at ASU.
  3. Students will recognize computer science and computer systems engineering ideas behind various every day applications that they may have encountered such as cell phones, automobiles, search engines, computer games, blogs and computer viruses.
  4. Students will be able to enumerate computer science and computer systems engineering concepts that they will learn in the four year BS (CS) and BSE (CSE) programs.

Course Assessment

Assignments: 75% Attendance: 25%


> 90% - A
> 80% - B
> 70% - C
> 60% - D
< 60% - E


Instructor: Aviral Shrivastava web, email.
Location: West Hall 267.
Time: 12:55 pm - 1:45 pm. This class will mainly be administered through class blog.

Class schedule

  1. Introductions and Blogging.
  2. Why is ASU an NAU, and what is an algorithm?
  3. Student resources, and how to find maximum of a given list of numbers.
  4. How to search for a number in a given list of numbers.
  5. Curriculum navigation and progress monitoring tools at ASU, and the IsSorted routine.
  6. Subset sum problem, and why did Intel buy Mcafee
  7. Computer architecture trends, and why multi-cores? What do multi-cores mean?
  8. Discussed Academic Integrity and implications of malpractice
  9. Guest Lecture by Mandy Aroz on time management, cheating, plagiarism, and academic integrity
  10. Pizza party and some research projects in CML lab

Last Updated: Aviral Shrivastava, 09/10