Cultural Awareness, Sensitivity and Competency
by Michael Winkelman
(ISBN: 1-57879-064-6)
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Text Description:
This text provides a general orientation to adapting to cross-cultural differences that is applicable across all fields of life, especially in the helping professions such as social work, cross-cultural psychology, medicine, nursing, public health and education. The text provides perspectives that are useful for addressing the adaptations to cultural differences that are addressed in sociology, anthropology, social work, psychology, education and health sciences classes. The text addresses the fundamental aspects of intercultural relations including: race, ethnicity, culture, prejudice, discrimination, and the process dynamics of intergroup relations. Course introduces assessment tools for determining levels of cross-cultural development and specific educational strategies for promoting development of cultural awareness, sensitivity and competence.
Chapter 1: Cultural Competence in the Helping Professions
Chapter 2: Race & Ethnicity
Chapter 3: Culture, Biology & Socialization: The Phychocultural Model
Chapter 4: Cultural Systems Models
Chapter 5: Process Dynamics of Intergroup Relations
Chapter 6: Cross-Cultural Awareness, Sensitivity & Competence
Chapter 7: Developing Cross-Cultural Competence
Chapter 8: Cross-Cultural Work in the Helping Professions
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Auxiliary Material
Test banks and power points of chapters available; contact
“Ethnic Relations in the U.S.” course material also available as an online course.