Hawai'i Physical Geography (Landsat, Dew Point, Precipitation) |
Lightning in the San
Francisco Peaks (Cloud-to-ground Lightning, Landsat,
Air & Ground Temperatures, Precipitation) |
Grand Canyon
Microclimate (NDVI, Winter
Temps, Summer Temps) |
Grand Canyon Formations
& Topography (USGS Geology, Landsat) |
Hawai'i Faculty Powerpoint File
Cloud-to-ground lightning in the San Francisco Peaks of northern Arizona
Lightning in the Peaks Geovisualization Labs
Grand Canyon Geology Overlaid on Topography
Geovisualization: https://gamejolt.com/games/2BC_GrandCanyonRocksAndTopo/461813
Grand Canyon Geomorphology: Faculty Powerpoint File1
Grand Canyon Microclimates and Vegetation: NDVI, Summer Surface Temperature and Winter Surface Temperature Overlaid on Topography
Geovisualization: https://gamejolt.com/games/2BC_GrandCanyonMicroclimates/465635
Grand Canyon Microclimate Faculty Powerpoint
Two Bent Coppers has plans to increase true gaming aspects in the geovisualizations, as well as add in continuously improved visual effects and data readouts. The Gamejolt website links, provided above, provides 2BC the chance to semi-regularly post updates to the games. So the games will only get better over time.
FUTURE GEOVISUALIZATIONS LABS: We have plans for additional geovisualization labs.
In addition, 2BC is open to developing labs for your study areas also. Please email RONALD.DORN@asu.edu and he will put you in touch with 2BC. However, please realize that data used in these games must be in the public domain, or that the intellectual owners of those data must be able to give 2BC permission to use those data for commercial purposes.