Introduction to Physical Geography
 Revised and Improved
Official Authorized Study Guide for 2004 AND BEYOND!


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(All quotes are fictitious except mine and are meant humorously)
These study questions are to be used to supplement R. Cerveny's Fall, 2004 Introduction to Physical Geography class. They are not a substitute. You should still come to class and take good notes. These study questions may or may not correspond to the material presented by other lecturers in physical geography. Note they are NOT a complete study guide but rather highlight major topics that are covered in class. Class attendance is necessary for complete and comprehensive understanding of material covered for tests ...


Part 1: Sample Questions for the First Test

"Boy, I've done it now!" - Mrs. O'Leary's Cow (and probably any intro physical geography student after the first day of class).

1. Physical Geography can best be described as:
A. an easy way to meet your science requirement
B. a category on Jeopardy
C. a social science discipline
D. a humanity discipline
E. a subject that requires knowledge of many other disciplines

"Why, sure, a person can switch to geography as a major. Let's get the paperwork!" - R. Cerveny (to at least 10 students in GPH 111 this semester—will you be one?)

What are some of the components of physical geography?
Why is the human element of physical geography important?
What other subjects are related to geography?
What jobs are available to geographers? How does a person get those jobs?

"Listen, pardner, one more step into my township and I'll be astringin' ya up!" - W. Earp

How do we measure position over the Western United States?
What is a township? What is a section? What is a baseline? What is a range line? How is global position measured?

2. The road south of the Superstition Highway is a:

A. township
B. baseline
C. rangeline
D. a section
E. a volumic spatial division segment

How did you determine the answer to question #2?
"Good navigation is essential to the quick and efficient completion of any major ocean voyage." - Ulysses

What is latitude? What are lines of latitude called?
What is the "main" line of latitude called?
What is a "great circle"? What is longitude?
What are lines of longitude called?
What is the "main" line of longitude called?
Why is the London suburb of Greenwich important in determining location?
How would a position located in the Northern and Western Hemispheres be given?

3. In what hemispheres would this location fall: 70°N 25°E?
A. Eastern and Northern Hemispheres
B. Western and Northern Hemispheres
C. Southern and Eastern Hemispheres
D. Southern and Western Hemispheres
E. That location can not exist?

"Now how do I get to Mount Olympus? I need to know its latitude & longtitude!" - Hercules
What is Phoenix's location in latitude / longitude?
What is the International Date Line? Where is it?
Why are there different kinds of map projections?
Name three types of map projections and their attributes.
Why are there different times around the world?

4. I call back to Phoenix. It is 11 AM Phoenix time but 6 PM where I am at. Where am I most likely be at?
A. New York City
B. Hawaii
C. London
D. Perth
E. An impossible situation

"Phoenix, Curfew Laws are in effect ... Children, it's ten o'clock ... do you know where your parents are?" - public service announcement

How many major time zones does the United States have?
What two systems of measurement are commonly used throughout the world?
What are the units of time?
What are the units of distance?
What are the units of weight?
What are the units of temperature?

5. Which of the following is the correct SI (metric) way of describing my (hoped for) weight?
A. 175 pounds
B. 12 stone
C. 84 kilograms
D. 23.8 cubic neo-viols

6. Down in Mexico, a sign says that Rocky Point is 15 kilometers away. About how far is that in miles?

 A. 2 miles
B. 8 miles
C. 15 miles
D. 32 miles

"Revolution? I'll show them the meaning of revolution!" S. Hussein

What is meant by "the earth's rotation"? What is meant by "the earth's revolution"?
What is meant by "perihelion"? When does it occur?
What is meant by "aphelion"? When does it occur?
What causes the seasons? What is the current tilt of the earth?

7. The earth's revolution is:
A. once every 24 hours approximately
B. once every 365 days approximately
C. once every 578 years approximately
D. once every 41,000 years approximately
E. when all the world's governments are overthrown

"Equinox? Didn't I ride him in the '76 Kentucky Derby?" - W. Shoemaker

What is "a circle of illumination"? What is a subsolar point?
What is an "equinox"? When does it occur?
What is a "solstice"? When does it occur?
Where is the sun overhead on March 21? on June 21? on September 23?
on December 23?

8. The two solstices are:
A. March 21 and June 21
B. March 21 and September 23
C. June 21 and September 23
D. June 21 and December 23
E. September 23 and December 23

"I'm not paid to figure out elevation angles! I'm not a geographer!" – K. Bryant

Calculate the elevation angles for the following locations and times:

Phoenix AZ on March 21. on June 21. on September 23. on December 23?
41°N 110°W on June 21 on December 23 on March 21
78°S 23°E on June 21 on December 23 on March 21
31°S 113°W on June 21 on December 23 on March 21

9. I am at 43.5°S on March 21. How high is the sun at noon?
A. 21.2°
B. 70.0°
C. 67.0°
D. 46.5°

"I know it's a 'class M' planet, Spock, but can our female ensigns wear their minis comfortably on it?" Capt. J.T. Kirk

What is lapse rate? Describe the troposphere?
What does the tropopause do? Where is the stratosphere?
What is the lapse rate in the mesosphere? What is the thermosphere?
List the major gases in our atmosphere Which gas is most variable?
Why is ozone important? Where is ozone found?
What is ozone's significance to Arizona?

10. What is the correct order from ground up of the major temperature divisions in the atmosphere?
A. stratosphere, mesosphere, troposphere, thermosphere
B. thermosphere, mesosphere, stratosphere, troposphere
C. troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere
D. mesosphere, troposphere, thermosphere, stratosphere

"Heat transfer? That's my specialty!" - L. Lovelace

Give an example showing all three major methods of transfer.
What method is important for heat transfer by solids?
What method is important for heat transfer for liquids or gases?
What method has heat transferred in the form of waves?

11. The type of radiation most likely to penetrate completely through your body?
A. microwaves
B. visible light
C. infrared
D. ultraviolet
E. gamma rays


What is radiation? In what units do we measure it?
Describe what is important about the Stefan-Boltzmann law?
What is a wavelength of a radiation? How does the electromagnetic spectrum related to wavelength?
What does Wien's Law tell us about the difference in radiation of the earth and the sun?

12. Wien's Law says that the sun puts most of its radiation out at which wavelength?
A. microwave
B. infrared
C. yellow light
D. ultraviolet
E. blue light

"Greenhouse? Last time I looked it was painted white!" – G.W. Bush

What factors influence the amount of incoming solar radiation?
Why is the sky blue in color?
Which has the higher albedo: a white surface or a black surface?
Describe what is meant by "counterradiation"?
Why is "thermal blanket" a better term than "greenhouse effect" for what is going on in the earth's atmosphere?

13. The technical term for the sky being blue is called:
A. Raleigh scattering
B. Boltzmann scattering
C. oxy-silicate scattering
D. J-scattering
E. Wein scattering

"But it's a dry heat!" - Arizona Tourist Industry

What makes up "net radiation"?
Why does the hottest daily temperature occur after the time of greatest solar radiation?
Why does the coldest daily temperature generally occur in the early morning?
Why does the coldest annual temperature occur in January-February?
Why does the warmest annual temperature occur weeks after the solstice?
Why is San Diego more moderate in temperature than Phoenix?

14. Think of "continentality", which of the following would show the greatest temperature variability?
A. Miami
B. Sidney, Australia
C. Tokyo, Japan
D. Little Rock Arkansas
E. Washington, D.C.

"Don't worry, Dad ... a strong pressure gradient, a good tailwind and the sky's the limit" - Icarus

How do we measure wind? With what instruments?
What is air pressure? How do we measure it?
What is the initial cause of all air motion?
If we see alot of "H"s and "L"s on a weather map, what can we say about the winds?

15. Air around a high pressure system in the Northern Hemisphere flows
A. counterclockwise
B. clockwise
C. widdershins
D. retroregessive
E. geostrophic

"Love makes the world go around" - NASA press release

The apparent deflection of air on the earth is caused by what effect?
The bending created by this effect in the Northern Hemisphere is in what direction?
The bending created by this effect in the Southern Hemisphere is in what direction?
The geostrophic wind is created by a balance between what two forces?
If I stand in Phoenix with my back to the wind, low pressure is in what direction from me?

16. The merry-go-round effectively demonstrates what force or effect?
A. Friction
B. Coriolis effect
C. Pressure Gradient force
D. accelerative cyclonic force
E. stomach upheaval effect

"Circulation models? Exactly what would we circulate?" - C. Crawford

What is the global circulation trying to do with regard to heat? What is a circulation cell?
What assumptions are made with the single cell circulation model?
Draw a single-cell circulation model of the earth.
What assumptions are made with the multiple cell circulation model?
Draw a multiple-cell circulation model of the earth.
List the winds in each of the earth's circulation cells.
List the direction of the winds at the following locations: 0°, 30°N, 60°S, 90°N
Where do we find the following: ITCZ, doldrums, horse latitudes, polar front, polar high?

17. The correct order from the equator to the north pole of the surface winds are:
A. doldrums, polar easterlies, westerlies, northeast trades
B. northeast trades, polar easterlies, doldrums, westerlies
C. doldrums, westerlies, northeast trades, polar easterlies
D. doldrums, northeast trades, westerlies, polar easterlies
E. polar easterlies, doldrums, northeast trades, westerlies

"A rose by any other name ... will still have thorns." - W. Shakespeare

Why are there more than one way to measure atmospheric moisture?
Who would use absolute humidity?
What is vapor pressure?
What is relative humidity?
Why is dew point a better measure of moisture than relative humidity?

18. Which of the following has more water in the air around it?
A. a polar expedition with a relative humidity of 50%
B. the Death Valley archaeological expedition with a relative humidity of 50%?

19. Which of the following is true about dew point?
A. It depends on the air temperature
B. it is a measure of the relative amount of moisture in the air
C. it is measured in percent
D. It is the temperature at which dew would form
E. It is the air pressure at which dew would form

"I think I shall never see a cloud as lovely as a tree …” The Garden Guy

What are the two visual types of clouds?
What are the three elevation classes of clouds?
Define the following types: cumulonimbus, stratocumulus, cirrostratus, nimbostratus, altostratus
What is fog?
List the three main types of fog.
Which fog is most common? Which is found in alpine areas? Which is found along ocean coasts? Which is most common is the Midwest during the springtime?

20. Which of the following refers to a high flat cloud?
A. cirrostratus
B. nimbostratus
C. altocumulus
D. cirrocumulus
E. altostratus

And —for Test #1—consider playing that exciting game Name that Latitude?
Part II: Questions for the Second Test!!!
"Raindrops keep falling on my head" - B. Cassidy

Why do we need dirt, ash and/or pollen to have rain?
What are the two "models" of raindrop formation? How are they alike? How are they different?
What is virga?
How can there be a snowstorm above us even during the summer?
What's a lapse rate?
Three lapse rates are important in determining the likelihood of clouds. What are they?
What are the three lifting mechanisms for air?

21. The Bergeron-Findesian raindrop model involves clouds often found in the tropics.
A. True
B. False

"Five weeks in one of those things? But where is the bathroom? - J. Verne

Assume that the SALR = 6° C / kilometer and, you know, of course that DALR = 10°C/ km. For each of the three situations on the next page, complete the balloon diagrams and then determine the following:

22. a) the type of situation (Stable, Unstable, or Conditionally Unstable)
b) the height of the cloud (if there is one)
c) the temperature of the air parcel at 3 km
d) the type of weather the situation would produce

"You mean I'm suppose to also give the location of cold fronts? I thought I was hired just to announce little old ladies' birthdays!" - W. Scott

What separates different air masses? Name the four types.
Describe the clouds and precipitation associated with a warm front.
Describe the winds and weather before, during and after a cold front passage
A sideview of an occluded front resembles what letter? Why does an occluded front look like that?
How fast does a stationary front move? What is its weather?
Sketch the steps associated with cyclogenesis.

23. Cyclogenesis for the United States often begins in what state?
A. Arizona
B. Nebraska
C. Colorado
D. Ohio
E. New York

"Greta Flabbie , bless her heart, is 111 today and thunderboomers will be found in the midwest ..." - W. Scott

24. Lightning does NOT involve which of the following?
A. A stepped leader
B. A return stroke
C. An arc
D. A dart leader
E. A fractoleader

"A hurricane hit ME?... yah, sure, and I've got some swampland in Florida for sale, too!" - Real Estate Developer, Miami

By what names are tropical cyclones called around the world?
How do tropical cyclones differ from their mid-latitude counterparts?
Describe the major features of a hurricane.
List the steps from an "easterly wave" to "hurricane"
What kills a hurricane?
What causes the most damage during a hurricane?
Where should you go if your area is in a hurricane warning?
What was worst hurricane to hit the United States?

25. Andrew was what class hurricane?
A. class 0
B. class 1
C. class 3
D. class 5
E. class 7

"Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore" - D. Gale

What country in the world experiences the most tornadoes?
During what time of year do the worst tornadoes hit?
The Midwest / Great Plains has most of its tornadoes at what time of day? What about the South?
What scale do we use to rank tornadoes?
What conditions are necessary for tornadoes to form?
What causes the most damage in a tornado?
Why are the old safety instructions of going to the SW corner of the basement WRONG?
Here in Arizona, what weather-event kills more people than any other weather event.

26. What is the most popular state (per area) for tornadoes?
A. Ohio
B. Oklahoma
C. Rhode Island
D. Florida
E. Washington

"Climate is what we expect, weather is what we get." - M. Twain



27. Which of the following is not a stage of tropical cyclone:
A. easterly wave
B.  mesoscale complex
C. tropical depression
D.  tropical storm
E. hurricane

28. Climate Change involves what three areas?
A. reconstruction, history and theory
B. weather observations, theory and hydrology
C. hydrology, theory, reconstruction
D. reconstruction, theory and hydrology
E. hydrology, history and theory

"Climate Change Insurance? Naw, I don't need anything like that." - T. Rex

Describe the climate of each of the following:
a) The early earth (4.6-2 billion years ago)
b) The Cretaceous (age of dinosaurs) (100 million years ago)
c) The "K/T boundary" (65 million years ago)
d) The Pleistocene (1.7 million to 10,000 years ago)
e) What is the last 10,000 years called?

In recorded history, describe the weather of the following:
a) The Egyptian empire (5000 years ago)
b) The Dark ages (500-1000 A.D.)
c) The period of the Vikings (1000 A.D.)
d) The Renaissance (1400-1550 A.D.)
e) The Little Ice Age (1550-1850 A.D.)
f) The last ten years (1982-1992)

29. Was, in general, the period of the Renaissance associated with warm or cold weather?
A. warm
B. cold

"It's elementary: Mr. Plum did it with a deep-sea core during the Little Ice Age!" - S. Holmes

What is a climate proxy and how can it tell us about the weather?
How can tax records be used as a climate proxy?
List 4 physical climate proxies and describe how each may be used to tell us about climate
What does oxygen-18 have to do with climate?

30. Which of the following would give us the longest proxy record?
A. tree rings
B. historical diaries
C. actual weather records
D. ice cores

"There's often a big step between theory and application." - Icarus

What is the ice-snow-temperature feedback?
What does volcanism do to the climate?
Why is sunspot theory not yet credible?
What did Milankovitch suggest as major control of climate?
Define each of the following:
a) precession of the equinox
b) eccentricity
c) obliquity

What will the future hold: warming due to greenhouse or cooling due to Milankovitch mechanisms?

Part 3: Sample Questions for the Third Test

31. Volcanoes influence climate by:
A. adding heat to the atmosphere
B. shielding the sun by sulfur particles
C. changing global hydrology
E. blocking circulation regimes via mountain building

"Water, water everywhere ... and not a drop to drink." - Capt. Bligh (ret.)

Where is the most water in the world found? The most fresh water? What component of the earth/atmosphere system holds the least water?
What is stream discharge?
What is a drainage basin? A stream network?
What is the order of the river at the spot marked "X" (assume river streams follow according to the arrows)

Sketch a stream hydrograph for a rural area.
What things influence the shape of a hydrograph

32. The quicker, bigger flood would likely occur in:
A. rural area
B. Urban area

33. Which is the bigger river?

 A. 1st order
B. 2nd order
C. 3rd order
D. 4th order

"It's simply amazing what a little water in the right place can do." - Noah

Name a fluvial erosional feature. Name a fluvial depositional feature.
What is accelerated erosion. Name a place that has it.
Name three mechanisms of stream material transport.
Sketch the William Morris Davis sequence of stream gradiation.
Describe a knickpoint. How do they form?
Sketch a river channel. Label the thalweg, the cutbanks and the sandbars
What is the difference between a meandering stream and a braided stream?
Where are deltas found?

34. A river's delta is a place of:
A. high stream flow
B. low stream flow
C. a knickpoint
D. a thalweg
E. none of the above

"Whose got the Bengay? - Atlas

What two elements make up most of the earth?
What's the difference between a rock and a mineral?
Name the three classes of rocks. Give an example of each.
What two layers make up the earth's crust?
Who is Alfred Wegner? What did he contribute to human knowledge?
If two plates of the same density hit, what is the result?
If two plates of different density hit, what is the result?
If two plates pull apart from each other, what is the result?
Name three proofs of plate tectonic theory.

35. The west coast of the United States is an example of:
A. two land plates pulling apart
B. two ocean plates crashing into each other
C. a land plate going on top of an ocean plate
D. an ocean plate going on top of a land plate
E. hot spot mountain building

"Suppose to be a pretty good party up on the mountain this weekend," - unknown teenager, Pompeii, 79 A.D.

Name two types of volcanic activity. What is tepha?
Describe a composite volcano. Give an example.
Describe a shield volcano. Give an example.
Describe a basalt flood. Give an example.
What is a caldera? Do we have any in Arizona?
What kind of fault is the Mogollon Rim?
What kind of fault is the San Andreas?
What are the best safety instructions for an earthquake?

36. The most explosive volcano would be:
A. composite
B. shield
C. basalt flood

"... and, in the case of extensive landslides, public officials are to notify appropriate relief agencies and standby for further instructions ..." - State of Mississippi Employee Training Manual

Name and describe 4 types of energy
Mass wasting involves transfer of energy from what to what?
What is a landslide?
What landforms are created by mass wasting?
What is soil creep?
What is an earth flow? A mud flow? Are these examples of mass wasting? Why or why not?

37. Water is needed for:
A. mud flow
B. landslide
C. soil creep
D. vibratory transmigration

"Naw, I would never consider beaching myself ... it's just a passing fade." - M. Dick

What causes tides? What is a fetch? Why is it important to surfers? Sketch the three major types of waves. What is a groin? Describe major coastal landforms.
How do the longshore current and beach drifting contribute to beach movement?

38. Which does not involve tides?
A. spring tide
B. neap tide
C. tidal wave

"... seven stranded castaways here on Gilligan's Isle." - ancient tribal chant

What is a spit?
What is a lagoon?
What is a tombolo?
What is a barrier island?
What is an atoll?
What are the three kinds of reefs?

39. Which is organic in nature?
A. a spit
B. a lagoon
C. a tombolo
D. a barrier island
E. an atoll

40. The east coast's barrier islands were
A. The beaches of the last ice age
B. the sand created by urban pollution
C. The result of erosion of northern coasts
D. Made up of coral skeletons

"Well, it all began with a wrong turn during a trip to the beach ..." - T. Lawrence (Arabia)

What is an aeolian process?
What are two types of wind erosion?
What is a blowout?
What are the current driving instructions in Arizona when encountering a dust storm?
What are the four major types of dunes?
What is a stardune mountain?

41. Which dune is associated with the Sahara desert?
A. a crescent dune
B. a parabolic dune
C. an Arrakis dune
D. a longitudinal dune

"Never put your tongue on a glacier" - Cavemother's advise (attributed to G. Larson)

What is a glacier?
What two types of glaciers exist in the world today?

42. Which glaciers are the biggest?
A. continental
B. alpine

43. The name of the continental glacier over northeast North America in the last ice age?
A. Scandinavian
B. Laurentide
C. Himalayan
D. Greenlandic

"Because it was there? Nah, I was just trying to find a good snow cone." Sir E. Hillery

List the three types of alpine glaciation. What is the highest?
Is glacial ice made up of snow?
The zone of melting ice is called?
What is a Bergschrund?
Are alpine glaciers safe places to hike? Why or why not?
What part of a glacier moves fastest?
What two methods of erosion exist?
What is a moraine?
What three types of moraines exist in an alpine glacier?
What replica of a glacial feature is found in Disneyland? What is this glacial feature?
What well-known glacial features are found in Norway?
What letter is associated with a river valley?

44. Which of the following can be found at the top of a glacier?
A. terminal moraine
B. lateral moraine
C. A bergschrund
D. An ablation zone
E. a valley glacier

45. Geographically, a horn is
A. A musical instrument (no)
B. A mountain peak formed by glaciers
C. A mountain ridge formed by glaciers
D. A mountain valley formed by glaciers

"Ignoring the trumpeting of the mammoths and the growl of the saber-tooth tigers, Oog, carrying the fat moose carcass, crawled over the huge ice sheet that prevented him from reaching home by sunset." - Bare Cave Clan Chronicles

What two continental glaciers exist today? Have there been other continental glaciers?
Are continental glaciers more or less than a mile thick?
Isostatic Depression. What is it? Can it be prevented? Where are icebergs found? Why?
What kind of rivers are associated with glaciers? Do they contain the "virgin pure" waters necessary for good beer?
Name the largest landform created in North America by the last glaciation.
What is an erratic? What are the types of moraines associated with continental moraines? What is an esker? What is an drumlin?

46. Which of the following states has the most landforms created by continental glaciation?
A. New York
B. Mississippi
C. Arizona
D. Texas
C. Virginia

"Although neighboring places are often fun to visit, there is no place like home." - S. Hussein

Gallup, New Mexico is located on what type of landform?
What local Phoenix suburb is named after a geologic landform? How is this landform created?
A-Mountain is what kind of geologic landform?

47. The correct sequence of desert landform development (biggest to smallest)?
A. plateau, mesa, butte
B. mesa, plateau, butte
C. butte, plateau, mesa
D. mesa, butte, plateau
E. butte, mesa, plateau

Examples of Comprehensive type of Questions on the Final:
48. You are an engineer designated to build a mountain range for Florida. How do you do it?

 A. Slam Europe into Florida
B. Pull Florida apart
C. ram the Atlantic Ocean Basin into Florida

49. Mark Twain could have sailed on several Mississippi meander scar

.A. True
B. False

50. What is the most basic thing have you learned in this class?
A. drumlin in a new form of rockabilly
B. 3/4 of the earth is covered by land
C. That the earth's environment is a complex system of processes that we all need to learn about
D. That getting my science credit was funnier than I originally thought




Directions: Give the name of each of the latitudes:
For example, 90°N - North Pole
For the wind zones on the left side of the globe drawing, give the name of the wind zone for each of the bracketed area. Example: zones such as the southeast trade winds, etc.
HINT: remember that HIGH pressure is found at 30° and 90°, LOW pressure is found at 0° and 60°. From that and remembering the pressure gradient force and Coriolis effect, you should be able to draw in the winds.

Answers to objective questions:
22.(1) STABLE, NONE, 14,CLEAR (2) UNSTABLE, 1KM,19°C, THUNDERSTORM (3) CONDITIONAL UNSTABLE, 1/2 KM, 19°C, POSSIBLE THUNDERSTORM IF LIFTING MECHANISM IS PRESENT, 23C,24E,25D,26B,27B,28A,29A,30D,31B,The stream order is 5th order at the "X",32B,33D,34B,35C,36A,37A,38C,39E,40A,41A,42A,43B,44C,45B,46A,47A,48A,49B,