ENG 515: Classical Literature

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Since we are working on a condensed schedule, attendance at every class meeting is crucial. In order to receive full credit for attendance students must be present at all eight class meetings. Students who miss two or more class meetings cannot pass this course.

Attendance & Participation
Reading summaries                   
Oral presentation                            
Final Research Paper               

Classroom Protocol:
We will spend much of our class time in discussion and analysis of the works we are reading. Regardless of the class format, you are expected to be prepared, to listen, to contribute, and to participate in an interested and knowledgeable fashion.


•  Reading summaries: For each class, prepare and bring to class a summary of your understanding of the readings assigned for that day. Since our readings for each meeting are quite extensive, your summary will need to be about 500-700 words. Be prepared to explain and discuss your understanding of the texts in class. You should also turn in a typed/printed copy to the instructor.

•  Final Research Paper: 15-20 p. More details on separate assignment sheet.

•  Oral presentation: An oral presentation of the research you have conducted for your final paper. 15-20 min. More details on separate assignment sheet.

A student who plagiarizes part or all of a written assignment will receive an F for the assignment and further disciplinary proceedings at the instructor's discretion. Plagiarism occurs when a student claims credit for work s/he has not done personally, and includes submitting assignments produced by another student or writer, or putting sentences or ideas originally expressed by someone else into a paper without noting their source. At the graduate level, you ought to have mastered the ability to properly distinguish in writing between your own and other writers' ideas using quotations, paraphrase, and in-text citation of source materials.