Instructor: Cajsa C. Baldini
Sections taught:
#72006 MW 1:40-2:55 PM
#87972 Online on Blackboard
Homer | Patroclos Pleads with Achilles | Hector and Achilles' Combat to Death | Hector's Death | Lecture on Homer and Summary of the Iliad (MP3)
Milton | Background to Milton's Paradise Lost (MP3)
Coleridge, "Kubla Khan"
Bulfinch's Mythology Hayden Library Catalog English Department Guide to Style (by Profs. Gregory Castle and Anita Obermeyer) (PDF)
Research Paper 2 Sample paper
Instructor website The Florence Summer Program
Casey, Charles. "Was Shakespeare gay? Sonnet 20 and the politics of pedagogy"
Stapleton, M.L. "Making the Woman of Him: Shakespeare's Man Right Fair as Sonnet Woman"
Annotated Bibliography and Research Paper Assignment