ENG 200 | Spring 2007

Cajsa C. Baldini | Spring 2007

Final Exam! New!

The final exam is given online on Blackboard, May 2-6, 2007. Click here to proceed to Blackboard and take the exam.

Sections taught:

MW 12:15-1:30 PM
BA L1-25

TTh 10:40-11:55 AM



Online readings

Introduction to the Homeric Epic   Homer, The Iliad | Summary of entire epic
Introduction to Medieval Literature and Dante   Dante, The Inferno, Canto V and XXXIII
Introduction to Formal Poetry   Milton, Paradise Lost, Book I | Contextualizing summary of PL in its entirety
Introduction to Milton, Paradise Lost Book I   Wordsworth, "Intimations of Immortality"
Introduction to Literary Criticism    
Introduction to Romanticism  
Introduction to the Novel: Frankenstein, Or, the Modern Prometheus    
Introduction to the Short Story/Faulkner - The Southern Gothic

Audio Audio Resources



Homer | Patroclos Pleads with Achilles | Hector and Achilles' Combat to Death | Hector's Death | Lecture on Homer and Summary of the Iliad (MP3)

Milton | Background to Milton's Paradise Lost (MP3)

Coleridge, "Kubla Khan" New!


Bulfinch's Mythology
Hayden Library Catalog
English Department Guide to Style (by Profs. Gregory Castle and Anita Obermeyer) (PDF)


Research Paper 1 I guidelines Honor's section | MW Section

Research Paper 2 | All sections

Sample paper


Other sites of interest

Optional reading

Victorian woman reading. Or just holding a book while posing for the photographer

CBaldini@2007 | Florence Summer Program | Instructor Main Site | Last updated: 4/25/07