Scientific: Agave desmettiana (Synonyms: Agave ananassoides, Agave de-meesteriana, Agave miradorensis, Agave regeliana)
Common: smooth agave, dwarf century plant, Maguey semati
Family: Asparagaceae (subfamily Agavoideae)
Origin: Highly cultivated for centuries, native populations of smooth agave no longer exist. It is assumed to have originated within tropical and subtropical regions of eastern Mexico.
Pronounciation: A-GA-ve des-met-ti-A-na
Hardiness zones
Sunset 12-24
USDA 9-10
Landscape Use: Strong accent, possible focal point for desert gardens; oasis and xeric landscape design themes. Smooth agave is great for use around desert and oasis ramadas, patios, and most any walkway. Often effectively used in mass or groups spaced at 5 to 6 feet on center.
Form & Character: Smooth agave is one of the 'soft' and 'people-friendly' agaves. It resembles a smaller, more formal version of Agave vilmoriniana (octopus agave) except for its proclivity to clump due to copious growth of basal offshoots.
Growth Habit: Succulent, weakly fibrous, evergreen perennial, monocarpic (individual rosettes die after flowering), moderate growth rate ranging in height from 3 to 5 feet with an equal spread. Smooth agave produces many basal off shoots (short-stemmed rhizomes called 'ramets' or 'chupones').
Foliage/Texture: Leaves are formed in regular rosette patterns, strap-shaped, succulent, deep green to 4-feet long. Leaves are usually recurved or reflexed and the margins are typically smooth but occassionaly have tiny spines. Leaves taper to a shorg, terminal tip that is reddish and about 1-inch long; coarse texture.
Flowers & Fruits: After more than 8 years of age smooth agave will produce a thick, green, flower stalk with pale yellow flowers (1.5-inches long) after which the flowering plant dies (monocarpic habit), flower stalk grows vigorously and is very striking. The pale yellow flowers of smooth agave are massed on an 8- to 10-feet tall panicled flower stalk. Smooth agave can produce bulbils instead of mature fruit, which in time look quite interesting.
Seasonal Color: None, except in the year that it flowers (late February until May).
Temperature: Hardy to 27oF. In the colder parts fo the Phoenix basin, smooth agave will be partially to fully damaged by the cold every winter.
Light: Filtered is sun best. Great when grown under light, dappled shade.
Soil: Well-drained best.
Watering: Apply only occasional water once established.
Pruning: None, although the 'Horticultural clods of Phoenix' (aka 'hort clods') will invariably cut off the flower stalks to try and keep the mother plant alive a little longer - the results being a real landscape fail!
Propagation: Division of the plentiful basal offshoots, seed or bulbils.
Disease and Pests: Root rot if soil is wet.
Additional comments: This 'soft & friendly' agave is great for landscape spaces that border paths, walkways, and patios. The cultivar 'Variegata' has striated yellow bands in the foliage and is striking, but needs full protection from western sun in Phoenix to survive.