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Scientific: Agave vilmoriniana (Synonyms: Agave eduardi, Agave houghii, Agave mayoensis)
Common: octopus agave
Family: Asparagaceae (subfamily Agavoideae)
Origin: Subtropical to arid regions of northwest Mexico

Pronounciation: A-GA-ve vil-mor-in-ee-A-na

Hardiness zones:
Sunset 12-24
USDA 9-11 (arid and semi arid region only)

Landscape Use: Strong accent, focal point agave for desert landscapes themes, whether planted singly or in mass groupings of 3 or more. When planting, space octopus agave plants at least 8 to 12 feet apart so that each plant can reach its full spread, also a handsome large container plant.

Form & Character: Wild and medusa like, a bit gangly, a striking accent of form and texture. Octopus agaves live 'life in the fast lane'.

Growth Habit: Evergreen, succulent and fibrous herbaceous perennial. They are relatively rapid growers to 4- to 5-feet tall with slightly greater spread. They are only somewhat rhizomatous and produce very few to no basal offshoots. Octopus agave are monocarpic and relatively short lived as agaves go living generally less than 10 years.

Foliage/Texture: Light green to gray green, succulent strap-like, elongated leaves arranged in a rosette habit. Leaves are recurved and slightly twisted upward (thus, the octopus common name) to 3- to 4-feet long. Leaf margins are entire and smooth, sometimes wavy, tapering to a relatively soft terminal spine to 1 5/8-inches long. In Phoenix, marginal tip necrosis of strap-shaped leaves is common. Like most agaves, its texture is coarse.

Flowers and Fruits: At the end of its life, generally in winter, octopus agave will start to produce a blunt flower stalk that will utlimately through the spring season grow 10- to 15-feet tall. The stalk is a true spike and the individual flowers are small, cream yellow to whitish. Octopus agave plants in the Phoenix area will often produce bulbils.

Seasonal Color: None

Temperature: Cold sensitive, some freeze damage possible especially when plants are young.

Light: Full sun (partial shade okay). Just make sure to avoid reflected radiation and intense western exposures in Phoenix.

Soil: Well-drained soil is a precursor for successful landscape use.

Watering: Needs infrequent but regular summer water for best appearance in Phoenix area, especially if summer monsoon rains are light.

Pruning: None, nope nada! ....even though the 'Horticultural clods of Phoenix' (aka 'Hort clods') will invariably cut off the flower stalks to try and keep the mother plant alive a little longer.

Propagation: Seed, some bubile formation on flower stalk, offshoots, though not as many as other Agave species.

Disease and Pests: Root rot in poorly drained wet soils.

Additional comments: It is important to note the relatively LARGE size of this agave. Thus, don't use it in small areas or group together specimens too closely. This agave is not as rigid as century plant and is therefore more amenable for use around people. Notes of caution though: octopus agave can show heat stress in full sun in Phoenix in the form of terminal leaf necrosis. It also can yellow some if in full sun and dry soil. On balance, it is a striking but large textural accent plant that doesn't hang around long in the landscape, and for that reason it has increasingly fallen 'out of favor' over the last 20 years.