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Scientific: Convolvulus sabatius (Synonyms: Convolvulus mauritanicus, Convolvulus georgicus)
Common: ground morning glory
Family: Convolvulaceae
Origin: southern Europe

Pronounciation: Con-VOL-vu-lus sa-BA-tee-us

Hardiness zones
4-9, 12-24
USDA 7-11

Landscape Use: Small scale ground cover, oasis plantings, sheltered rock gardens.

Form & Character: Prostrate and spreading to slightly mounding, diminuative, compact, delicate, recessive, soft.

Growth Habit: Evergreen, semi-herbaceous to woody perennial shrub, moderately slw growth rate to 1.5-feet tall with 5- to 6-feet spread.

Foliage/Texture: Moderately pubescent, ovate to rounded gray-green leaves to 1-inch long; medium fine texture.

Flowers & Fruits: Lavender blue having fused petals, 1.5 inches in diameter; fruit inconspicuous.

Seasonal Color: Masses of blue flowers in spring and early summer.

Temperature: Hardy to 10 to 15oF

Light: Partial shade to full eastern sun, avoid summer western sun exposures in Phoenix.

Soil: Like other Convolvulus species, fast drainage is an absolute must, best in sandy or gravelly soil.

Watering: Does not tolerate well wet, poorly drained conditions. Allow soil to moderately dry in between waterings.

Pruning: Little to none except to head back to contain spread as needed.

Propagation: Seed, or softwood cuttings, rooted in peat and perlite with 1,000 ppm IBA in April or September.

Disease and Pests: Highly prone to fungal root rot pathogens.

Additional comments: Like its cousin bush morning glory (Convolvulus cneorum), gound morning glory (Convolvulus sabatius) will thrive on the California coast and in the desert inland if soil drainage is good to excellent. For you pyros and chaparral dwellers, ground morning glory is reported to be fire retardant if healthy. The overall bloom accent is grand, but is not as intense as that of Convolvulus cneorum.