Pronounciation: Foe-u-qui-ER-ee-a mac-dou-gal-EE-i
Hardiness zones:
Sunset 13, 18-20
USDA 9-11 (arid zones only)
Landscape Use: Accent or focal point for xeric landscape themes, barrier, desert plantings.
Form & Character: Stiff and upright, shrubby, wild, diminuative, yet imposing, excellent xeriscape plant.
Growth Habit: In Phoenix, semi-deciduous, sarcocaulescent (stem succulent) perennial, shrub like, slowly vigorous to 6-feet tall with a spread of 4 feet, branches heavily at the base with individual stems extending upwards. However, in its native sub-tropical habitat of Mexico, it can reach heights of 20 feet with an arborescent habit. Individual stems are light brown and furrowed, peeling.
Foliage/texture: Often drought deciduous, otherwise small, dull green, obovate leaves on short reddish petioles, alternate; coarse texture.
Flowers & fruits: Terminal, panicled clusters of long tubular scarlet red flowers, 1- to 2-inches long, extended anthers, each flower individually on long peduncles, individual clusters to 12-inches long; fruits inconspicuous.
Seasonal color: Flowers in spring.
Temperature: Mexican tree ocotillo is not surprisingly well adapted to the Phoenix area.
Light: Full sun
Soil: Fast drained soil is best, found on rocky slopes in native habitat.
Watering: Very drought tolerant; however, supplemental landscape irrigation will increase growth and vigor.
Pruning: Usually none required, removal of stems to ground.
Propagation: Dug and transplanted easily, cutting using large stem sections, seed.
Disease and pests: Root rot if drainage is poor.
Additional comments: This is a Fouquieria for those smaller landscape spaces. Rufous hummingbirds are pollinators of Mexican tree ocotillo. It's a hummingbird magnet!