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Scientific: Larrea tridentata (Synonyms: Covillea tridentata, Larrea divaricata, Zygophyllum tridentatum)
Common: creosote bush
Family: Zygophyllaceae
Origin: Found across all lower desert regions of southwestern North America from west Texas to California and Nevada and south into Mexico.

Pronounciation: LAR-ree-a tri-den-TA-ta

Hardiness zones
10-13, 19
USDA 8-11 (in arid regions only)

Landscape Use: Xeriscape accent, background, foundation, rock gardens, habitat restoration.

Form & Character: Straggly, open, upright, and sparse in dry soil, more dense and spreading when planted in irrigated sites, though will become excessively tall and ragged with age in urban landscapes if left unpruned.

Growth Habit: Mostly evergreen to drought-deciduous, broadleaf (descriptive misnomer) perennial shrub, slow to moderate growth ranging from 3- to 15-feet tall, mostly 3- to 8-feet tall. The growth rate is GREATLY INCREASED if creosote bush is able to access a consistent source of soil water, even water runoff from impervious surfaces like asphalt roads.

Foliage/Texture: Small leaves to only 1/2-inch long, leaves divided into two crescents (bifoliate), viscid, strongly aromatic when wet (the smell of the desert), stems distinctly ringed with corky residue of former leaf stipules; fine texture.

Flowers & Fruits: Small, yellow flowers followed by rounded fruit covered with white hairs that facilitate wind dispersal.

Seasonal Color: Yellow flowers during early spring during years of sufficient winter rains, occasional sporadic blooms during early fall after summer monsoon rains.

Temperature: Tolerant

Light: Full sun, no shade of any amount.

Soil: Tolerant, but well drained.

Watering: Creosote bush grows rapidly and becomes very large and gangly if given supplemental water (rain is enough) don't!

Some sage advice: For you urban 'environmental virtue signalers', creosote bush's use in the landscape as a 'sustainability fashion statement' means to NOT water it at all. Though one (like yours truly) may want to give it a "big drink of water" on rare occassions, it will grow slower and will ultimately maintain a more compact, dense shape if not regularly irrigated.

Pruning: Trained horticulturists will lightly head back creosote bush to encourage a more rounded, yet still natural looking habit of growth. Creosote bush can also be rarely severely pruned to near ground level to rejuvenate vigor. More traditional 'red neck' (two bit haircuts for all) horticulturists, locally called the 'Horticultural clods of Phoenix or just plain old 'Hort clods' for short, will frequently shear creosote bush so as to make it look like and conform to the quintessential Phoenix 'beer keg' plant form. And you know what, creosote bush actually looks mod with a que ball haircut.

Propagation: Seed, cutting.

Disease and Pests: Creosote gall, no recommended control measures.

Additional comments: Creosote bush is a desert plant of legend: the desert smells like creosote bush after most rains. Allopathic oils from creosote bush leach into surrounding soils and inhibit mitochondrial oxidation of embryo sugars inhibiting seed germination of other plants. Within the Sonoran and Mojave desert flats, native desert stands called "creosote flats" contain single creosote plants may reach one thousand years old or older by forming large rings of seemingly many plants.

Bioindustrial uses: The biochemical properties of oils derived from creosote bush are used for a range of industrial and health applications.

Taxonomic tidbit:The genus name Larrea comes from the Spanish clergyman, Bishop Juan Antonio Hernandez Perez de Larrea (1731-1803).