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Scientific: Leucophyllum pruinosum
Common: bubble gum sage, fragrant rain sage
Family: Scrophulariaceae
Origin: Chihuahuan Desert, northeastern Mexico in the states of Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas, and San Luis Potosi at elevations between 3,000 to 5,500 feet.

Pronounciation: Lou-co-FIL-lum pru-in-OO-sum

Hardiness zones:
Sunset 7-24
USDA 8-11

Landscape Use: Accent, a great small informal hedge or screening plant for xeric landscape design themes, informal hedge, water conservation gardens, xeric and oasis landscape design themes.

Form & Character: Upright and rounded, irregular and informal yet refined and not 'out-of-control', arid, might become partially deciduous during the coldest of Phoenix winters.

Growth Habit: Evergreen, woody, broadleaf perennial shrub, moderate growth rate to 4- to 8-feet tall with near equal spread.

Foliage/Texture: Small, 1-inch long, nearly deltoid shaped leaves, somewhat tomentose though not nearly as extensive as Leucophyllum zygophyllum; medium fine texture.

Flowers & Fruits: Many axillary purple flowers that are fragrant smelling like grape bubble gum bloom on new wood; fruits inconspicuous.

Seasonal Color: Flowers episodically during warm season, peak flowering in late summer to early fall.

Temperature: Tolerant, plant can go partially deciduous during winter though not near as much as Leucophyllum frutescens.

Light: Full sun

Soil: Bubble gum sage prefers alkaline soil, and like other Leucophyllum species, the soil must drain well.

Watering: In Phoenix, no supplemental water is needed by bubble gum sage during winter. Irrigate sparingly during summer to supplement monsoon rains.

Pruning: Prune only during late winter and otherwise leave this wonderful shrub alone...yes, for the remainder of the year! Sadly though, bubble gum sage is yet another one of the select 'shrubs of choice' to shear by the 'Horticultural clods of Phoenix'! In fact, Phoenix landscape maintenance companies run by 'Hort clods' are rumored to offer special deals and coupons to unsuspecting property owners to get their mits on bubble gum sage so they can destroy its natural beauty.

So my admonition is thus: PLEASE DO NOT SHEAR!!! Instead, prune bubble gum sage like other Leucophyllum species only once per year (in late February through mid March) and then irrigate with less water to slow the rate of growth and promote a beautiful, full flowering, natural form.

Propagation: Seed and cutting (softwood or semi-hardwood). Occasionally (quite rarely actually), bubble gum sage will reseed in Phoenix landscapes.

Disease and Pests: Texas root rot during later summer and early fall.

Additional comments: All in all, Leucophyllum pruninosum it is somewhat less vigorous than Leucophyllum frutescens and is thus more apt to be a better fit for smaller landscape spaces. The subtle flower fragrance of this shrub gives it an added dimension of use around highly trafficked areas; it can bring a sweet fragrance to an entire garden area. Bubble gum sage attracts humans, bees, butterflies and/or birds because of the fragrant flowers (what a great shrub for enhancing any desert garden!). The varietal selection 'Sierra Bouquet' is a popular and superior selection with a dense habit that reaches an untrained height of 6 feet with equal spread. This varietal selction was developed Mountain States Wholesale Nursery, Wilcox, Arizona.

Confusion resolved: Bubble gum sage can be distinguished from Leucophyllum frutescens by the more rounded leaves and shorter, more purple flowers which do not extend much beyond the leaves.