Scientific: Limonium perezii (Synonym: Statice perezii)
Common: statice, sea lavender, seafoam statice, marsh rosemary
Family: Plumbaginaceae
Origin: Canary Islands
Pronounciation: Li-mo-NEE-um pe-REZ-ee-i
Hardiness zones
Landscape Use: Accent subshrub for landscape borders and flower gardens, used primarily as a cool season annual in Phoenix, in coastal sections of
California it is used as a herbaceous perennial.
Form & Character: Most dense rounded and clumpling, but upright, wispy and open when in bloom, blue color dominates evoking a 'beachside' experience.
Growth Habit: A rounded and moderately slow clumping, herbaceous
perennial to 12- to 18-inches (sans taller flower stalks) tall and up to 3 feet in diameter.
Foliage/Texture: Dull green, simple, ovate leaves, somewhat revolute
margins, on elongated reddish petioles, to 3-inches long, leaves densely arranged in a
quasi-rosetteing fashion in a basal clump; medium texture.
Flowers & Fruits: Profuse array of small flowers, calyx blue purple and
petals white not extending past the calyx, flowers borne on branched stalks to
3-feet tall. Flowers are persistent. Fruits are inconspicuous.
Seasonal Color: Late winter and spring garden color in Phoenix.
Temperature: 30o to 100oF range is best.
Light: Full sun
Soil: Tolerant of all soil textures as long as they are well drained, but grows best in light sandy soils.
Watering: Supplement if winter rains fail.
Pruning: None, except to remove spent flower stalks or divide to renew
plant vigor
Propagation: Seed germinates best if soil temperature are greater than 60oF, root division of basal clumps
Disease and Pests: Prone to root rot in poorly drained heavy wet clay
soils, brown snails in coastal California
Additional comments: Able to grow in a wide array of conditions from
coastal ocean salt spray to desert heat. Profusion of blue flowers primarily in
winter and spring should be valued. Flowers are often used in cut flower
Sunset 13 (as a cool season annual), 15-17, 20-27
USDA 9 (as a winter annual)-11 (as a perennial)