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Scientific: Zephyranthes candida (Synonyms: Amaryllis candida, Argyropsis candida, Atamosco candida, Zephyranthes nivea)
Common: rain lily, fairy lily, Autumn rain-lily, Peruvian swamp-lily
Family: Amaryllidaceae
Origin: La Plata region of South America

Pronounciation: Zef-a-RAN-thes can-DEE-da

Hardiness zones
1-9, 12-24
USDA 5-11

Landscape Use: Small accent herb for mixed borders, small-scale ground cover, containers, atriums, entry ways, mesic landscape designs.

Form & Character: Tufted and bunched like a succulent bunch grass, diminutive and refined, suggestive of nearby water, 'monkey grass with big blooms'

Growth Habit: Mostly evergreen, herbaceous perennial, moderately slow to clump to 6- to 10-inches tall by 10- to 20-inches wide.

Foliage/Texture: Basal clumps of linear, succulent foliage that are more persistent than leaves of other Zephyranthes species; fine texture.

Flowers & Fruits: The 2- to 3-inches wide, white, crocus-like flowers are very showy and are borne on 3- to 6-inches long penduncles, many other flowers colors have been horticulturally bred and selected; fruit are inconspicuous.

Seasonal Color: Fall to winter cool season flowers blooms are mostly light colored to white.

Temperature: Heat sensitive in Phoenix especially in combination with drought; cold tolerant.

Light: Partial sun in Phoenix is best, though rain lily will thrive in full sun when placed in a mesic "green" landscape situation. To avoid excessive foliar dieback and shortened flower display, shelter rain lily from afternoon western sun or amplified reflected sunlight conditions.

Soil: Fast-draining, organic and loamy soils are best. Rain lily is salt sensitive, so saline soils are a big "NO-NO".

Watering: Regular added water to keep soil evenly moist.

Pruning: Removal of spent flower heads is all that's needed.

Propagation: Periodic division of enlarged clumps, seed.

Disease and Pests: Spider mites

Additional comments: Presently, rain lily is a popular, herbaceous perennial for small spaces with close human contact for that "up close and personal look". Given it's Phoenix and we're in 'a desert', I wonder if its popularity will be short lived? A close relative, Zephyranthus grandiflora has brillant large flowers during summer; needs partial to full shade.

Interesting factoids: The genus name Zephyranthes means 'flower of the south wind'. Candida means 'white'. Ergo, this plant is a 'white flower from the south'.