1. Start with introduction and Background to our project. Chitta Baral 2. Progress Report A (Implementation) (a) Discussing the travel modules. -- Richard Scherl (b) Progress on the Smodels GUI system -- Hiro Takahashi (c) Progress on extending AnsProlog (CR-Prolog) -- Marcello Balduccini 3. Progress Report B (Theory) (a) P-log -- Chitta Baral (b) Idea of modules -- Luis Tari (c) Goal languages -- Jicheng Zhao 4. Progress Report C (Bridging) (a) A simple system -- Piyun Chang/Saadat Anwar (b) Text Extraction -- Hasan Davulcu/Deepthi/Toufeeq (c) NLP module to translate English queries into our representation-- Richard Scherl