Chitta Baral
Selected research results and papers
- Goal specification in presence of non-deterministic actions.
C. Baral and Jicheng Zhao.
* Abstract ,
* In proceedings of
ECAI'04, pages 273-277.
Reasoning in description logics using decl
arative logic programming
Guray Alsac and Chitta Baral.
* Abstract
* ASU Technical Report 2001-02.
* (Some of it appears as chapter 6.6.7 in my
book )
- Regression With Respect to Sensing Actions and Partial
Le-Chi Tuan, C. Baral, Xin Zhang, Tran Son.
* Abstract
In AAAI'04.
Encoding probabilistic causal models in probabilistic action language PAL.
Nam Tran and Chitta Baral
In AAAI'04.
- Adding Time and Intervals to Procedural and Hierarchical Control
Tran Son, Chitta Baral, and Le-Chi Tuan.
* Abstract
In AAAI'04.
A knowledge based approach for representing and reasoning about
cell signaling
C. Baral, K. Chancellor, Nam Tran, Nhan Tran, A. Joy, and M. Bere
* Abstract
A Polynomial time algorithm for constructing k-maintainable policies.
C. Baral and T. Eiter.
* Abstract
* Slides of a talk at UT Austin
In ICAPS'2004.
Reasoning about Triggered Actions in AnsProlog and its Application to
Molecular Interactions in Cells.
N. Tran and C. Baral.
* Abstract
In KR'2004.
Probabilistic reasoning with answer sets.
C. Baral, M. Gelfond and
N. Rushton.
* Abstract
* In Proceedings of LPNMR7, 2004.
* A slightly revised version
Planning with Sensing Actions and Incomplete
Information using Logic Programming
T. Son, P. Huy and C. Baral.
* Abstract
In Proceedings of LPNMR7, 2004.
Goal specification using temporal logic in presence of non-deterministic
C. Baral and Matt Barry.
* Abstract
In Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Action, and Change (NRAC'03)
Representation and reasoning about evolution of the world
in the context of reasoning about actions
Chitta Baral and Nam Tran.
* Abstract
In Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Action, and Change (NRAC'03)
Encoding probabilistic causal models in probabilistic action language PAL.
Chitta Baral and Nam Tran.
* Abstract
In Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Action, and Change (NRAC'03)
Knowledge updates: Semantics and complexity issues
Chitta Baral and Yan Zhang
* Abstract
* Version submited to
a journal (based on a KR'02 and an IJCAI'01 paper)
Reasoning about actions in a probabilistic setting.
C. Baral, Nam Tran and L. Tuan.
* Abstracot
* Version in AAAI'02, pages 507-512.
* An older version that
appeared in Common Sense'01.
A transition function based characterization of
actions with delayed and continuous effects.
C. Baral, T. Son and L. Tuan.
* Abstract
* In Proc. of KR'02, pgs 291-302.
The Complexity of Model Checking for Knowledge Update.
C. Baral and Y. Zhang.
* Abstract
* In Proc. of KR'02, pgs 82-93.
Declarative specification and
solution of combinatorial auctions using logic programming
Chitta Baral and Cenk Uyan.
* Abstract
* In Proc. of LPNMR'01, pgs 186-199.
Planning with domain-dependent knowledge of different kinds
-- an answer set programming approach.
Tran Cao Son, Chitta Baral and Sheila McIlraith.
* Abstract
* In Proc. of LPNMR'01, pgs 226-239.
Version to appear in ACM transactions on Computational Logic.
(accepted in 2004) (N. Tran is a co-author
in this version.)
Computational Complexity of Planning with Temporal Goals.
C. Baral, V. Kreinovich and R. Trejo.
* Abstract
* Version in
IJCAI 2001 , 509--514.
Extended version submitted to a journal. (S. Sarkar is a co-author
in this version.)
A further revised and extended version. (S. Sarkar, X. Zhang, and N. Tran
are additional co-authors in this version.) 5/31/03
On the Semantics of Knowledge Update.
C. Baral and Y. Zhang.
* Abstract
* IJCAI 2001, 97--102.
Computational complexity of
planning and
approximate planning in presence of incompleteness.
C. Baral, V. Kreinovich,
and R. Trejo.
In Artificial Intelligence Journal, 122(1-2),241-267, 2000.
* Abstract.
* Initial version appeared in IJCAI 99, pgs 948-953.
* Version in
Artificial Intelligence Journal (postscript)
Formalizing sensing actions -- a transition function based approach.
C. Baral and T. Son.
In Artificial Intelligence Journal, 125 (1-2), pgs 19-91, Jan 2001.
* Abstract.
* Version in Artificial Intelligence Journal
* Technical report with all the proofs.
* A subset of it that appears
in the International logic programming Symposium (ILPS), pgs 387-401, 1997.
Abductive reasoning through filtering.
C. Baral.
In Artificial
Intelligence Journal, 120 (1), 1-28, 2000.
* Abstract.
* Version in Artificial
Intelligence Journal.
Reasoning agents in dynamic domains.
C. Baral and M. Gelfond.
* Abstract.
* In ``Logic based
AI'' (postscript)
editor J. Minker. Kluwer Academic
Publishers. Pages 257-279, 2000.
Maintainability: a weaker stabilizability like notion for
high level control.
Mutsumi Nakamura, Chitta Baral and Marcus Bjareland.
* Abstract.
* In AAAI 2000, pgs 62-67. (postscript)
* Extended version submitted
to a journal.
Towards feasible approach to plan checking under probabilistic
Raul Trejo, Vladik Kreinovich and Chitta Baral.
* Abstract.
* In AAAI 2000, pgs 545-550. (postscript)
Formulating diagnostic problem solving using an action language
with narratives and sensing.
Chitta Baral, Sheila McIlraith, and Tran Cao Son.
* Abstract.
* In KR 2000, pgs 311-322. (postscript)
Extending ConGolog to allow partial ordering.
C. Baral and Tran Son.
* Abstract.
* In Proceedings
of ATAL (Agent theories, architectures and Languages) 99, pgs 188-204.
* Awarded one of the two best paper awards.
- Formalizing (and Reasoning About) the Specifications of
Goce Trajcevski, Chitta Baral and Jorge Lobo.
* Abstract.
* In Proceedings of the Fifth IFCIS International
conference on Cooperative Information Systems (CoopIS'2000). (postscript)
* Awarded one of the best paper awards.
Computational Complexity of Planning
Based on Partial Information About
The System's Present and Past States.
C. Baral, L. Tuan, R. Trejo and V. Kreinovich.
* Abstract.
* In First International Conference
on Computational Logic (KR track) CL'2000, pgs 882-896. (postscript)
Invariance, Maintenance and other declarative objectives
of triggers -- a formal characterization of active databases.
M. Nakamura and C. Baral.
* Abstract.
* In First International Conference
on Computational Logic (DOOD track) CL'2000, pgs 1210-1224. (postscript)
Formalizing narratives using
nested circumscription.
C. Baral, A. Gabaldon and
A. Provetti.
In Artificial
Intelligence journal, 104/1-2, pages 107-164,
Sept 1998.
* Abstract.
* Version that appears in the Artificial
Intelligence journal.
* The AAAI 96 version, pgs 652-657.
Value minimization in nested circumscription.
C. Baral, A. Gabaldon and A. Provetti.
In Artificial Intelligence journal, 102/2, 163-186, July 1998.
* Abstract.
The version in
Artificial Intelligence journal. (postscript)
* The initial KR 96 version, pgs 474-481.
Relating theories of actions and reactive control
C. Baral and T. Son.
In ETAI (Electronic transactions of AI), 2(3-4):211-271, 1998.
* Abstract.
* The initial version. (postscript)
The current version -- shortened and revised.
The ETAI version. .
From theory to practice: the UTEP robot in AAAI 96 and 97 robot
C. Baral, L. Floriano, A. Hardesty, D. Morales, M. Nogueira, and T.C. Son
* Abstract.
In Proc. of the second international conference
on automated agents (Agents 98), 32-38. (in postscript)
Expanding queries to incomplete databases by interpolating
general logic programs.
Chitta Baral, Michael Gelfond and Olga Kosheleva.
In Journal
of Logic programming, vol 35, pgs 195-230, 1998.
* Abstract.
* The version in Journal
of Logic programming. (postscript)
Representing Actions: Laws, Observation and Hypothesis.
C. Baral, M. Gelfond, and A. Provetti.
In Journal
of Logic Programming, Vol 31(1-3), 201-243,
* Abstract.
* The version in Journal
of Logic Programming.
Reasoning about Effects of Concurrent Actions.
C. Baral,
and M. Gelfond.
In Journal of Logic Programming, vol 31(1-3), pgs 85-117, 1997.
* Abstract.
* The version in
Journal of Logic Programming. (postscript)
(A thoroughly revised version of an IJCAI 93 paper.)
Defeasible specifications in action theories.
Chitta Baral and Jorge
* Abstract.
* IJCAI 97, pgs 1441-1446. (postscript)
Embedding revision programs in logic programming situation
Chitta Baral.
In Journal of Logic Programming, vol 30(1), pgs 83-97,
Jan 1997.
* Abstract.
The version in Journal of Logic Programming.
Formalizing workflows as cooperative agents.
Baral, C.
and Lobo, J.
* Abstract.
* The DYNAMICS 97 (a workshop in ILPS 97)
version. (postscript)
Formalizing Active Databases.
C. Baral, and J. Lobo.
* Abstract.
The version in LIDS (Logic in Databases) 96, pgs 175-195, LNCS 1154. (postscript)
Reasoning about actions: non-deterministic effects, constraints,
and qualification.
Chitta Baral.
* Abstract.
* IJCAI 95, pgs 2017-2023. (postscript)
Logic programming and knowledge representation.
Chitta Baral
and Michael Gelfond.
In Journal of Logic Programming,
19,20:73-148, 1994.
* Abstract.
The version in Journal of Logic Programming.
Duality between alternative semantics of logic programs
and nonmonotonic formalisms.
Chitta Baral and V. S. Subrahmanian.
In Journal of automated
reasoning, 10:399-420, 1993.
* Abstract.
* The version in Journal of automated
reasoning. (postscript)
Stable and extension class theory for logic programs and default
Chitta Baral and V. S. Subrahmanian.
In Journal of automated
reasoning, 8: 345-366, 1992.
* Abstract.
* The version in Journal of automated
reasoning. (postscript)
Communicating between
multiple knowledge base systems with different languages.
Chitta Baral, Sarit Kraus and Jack Minker.
In Working Conference on Cooperating Knowledge Based Systems, pages 121--124, England, October 1990.