Graphics & Graphic Formats

Learning Objectives

By the completion of this lesson, you should understand the following:

Black & White Graphics

Binary Numbers

Turning Black & White Pictures into Graphics


Grayscale Images


Color Graphics Schemes

RGB color

Any color of visible light can be represented as some combination of red green and blue. The various combinations make up the primary and secondary colors.
Color Combo  Example
Red all red, no green or blue 
Green all green, no red or blue 
Blue all blue, no red or green 
Cyan green + blue, no red 
Magenta red + blue, no green 
Yellow red + green, no blue 
White red + blue + green
Black no red, no blue, no green 

This 8 color scheme used to be all you got with "color graphics" on a computer!

To get more than 8 colors, you can vary the intensity of the colors
Combo Example
full red + ½ blue + ¼ green  
¼ red + ¼ blue + ½ green
¾ red + ¾ blue + ½ green

Representing RGB on the computer

Pros and Cons of RGB color Indexed color

Uses the visual phenomenon in which two small dots of color placed close together blur into one color.

You can use a combination of these dots to "fake" different colors. This process is called dithering.

Here is an example of a dithered solid color.  The graphic is made up of a grid of red and green dots.

Complex dithering algorithms take an RGB image and a palette of colors, and construct a new image made up of adjacent dots that "fake" the colors of the original. As you can see from these photos, the process works very well.

RGB Color Indexed Color

Web Graphics Formats

GIF - "Graphics Image Format" a.k.a. Compuserve GIF

JPG - a.k.a. JPEG for "joint picture experts group" ____________________________________________
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