| Thomas Detrie | detrie@detrie.asu.edu | Rev 15 Feb 99 |

Font Fundamentals

Copyright 1995-1999 Thomas Detrie. All rights reserved.
Letterform Analysis 1   Letterform Analysis 2
Figures 16 and 17.

It is essential to acquire a solid foundation in the historical background and technical requirements of letterforms. The first phase of the typeface design process can be achieved in four steps: 1) research, to determine the archetype form models; 2) documentation, to locate and photograph form models in foundries, libraries, museums, and private collections; 3) analysis, to record the analytical information obtained from photographic enlargements of the selected forms; 4) conclusion, to interpret the data and determine salient information. Studied drawing is the proven approach to understanding underlying letterform ideas and a crucial part of the design process. These are not limitations, but guidelines to explore the broad range of possibilities for visual solutions with letterforms through formal variation. Today, after the drawing stage, designers soon move to the computer to develop the design idea into a typeface.

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