Socrates believed that the written word was mute, that face-to-face
dialogue could not be replaced by print. Plato, in writing Socrates,
created an irony of beliefs. I have created my own irony in working
on this project; I have created a hypertextual work while I swear
loyalty to the printed page.
... but your real work will be in the way you arrange all the stuff
you borrow, the buttons and coins, springs and screws of language,
the frames and machinery of culture. We might think of Lawrence Sterne,
who, when accused of plagiarism, answered the charge with an argument
that was itself a plagiarism.
~ Shelley Jackson ~
... writing is the destruction of every voice, of every point of origin.
Writing is that neutral, composite, oblique space where our subject
slips away, the negative where all identity is lost, starting with
the very identity of the body of writing.
~ Roland Barthes ~
My life is entrenched with the sensuality of the Book. It felt as
though I was intruding on my professor's personal space by borrowing
his (new) book for my research.