If your CPS Grades do not appear in my online
gradebook, then either you have not entered your
NAME or your POSTING ID correctly at CPS Online.
To fix the name issue, see the first paragraph
below.  To fix the Posting ID, see the second

  There are always a few students who do not 
correctly enter their names at CPS Online.  You 
should use your official ASU first and last name.  
To fix this, after logging in at CPS Online, go   <== How to Check your
to Update My Profile.  Please don't forget to           Contact Info
hit the UPDATE button after making the changes.  
(NOTE: If the above link gives you an error message,
go this way; you will arrive at the same place.)
You must see the following message (in a yellow
          Please Note:
          Your profile has been updated.

or your information has not been accepted.  If
you have trouble with this step, click here.
Thanks. GBA

  If you forgot to enter your Posting ID, or if
you entered it incorrectly, correction is easy.
Go to CPS Online and login.  You will be taken    <== How to Fix your 
to an Account Information page.  Under My Current       Posting ID
Classes on the far right there is a link you can 
use to change your Posting ID.  Remember, it must 
consist of four numbers, a HYPHEN, then three   <== PLEASE don't forget
numbers.  Please don't forget to hit the UPDATE         the hyphen
button after making the change.  Thanks. GBA

  If you have not corrected your infomation, 
please do so.  Once you have correctly entered 
your information, then the next time I update the
online CPS gradebook ALL of your CPS grades will 
appear.  Thanks.  GBA