TIPS ON SUBMITTING HW ASSIGNMENTS WITH MASTERING PHYSICS If Blackboard is down, you should always be able to get to Mastering by going to IMPORTANT: If you use a shared computer for your MP HW, always begin your session by clearing the cache and the cookies on the browser. Be kind to the person who might follow you on that computer by logging out of Mastering when you finish your session. Other possible issues: Pop-ups must be allowed. Your OS and browser must be supported. Please, never use your browser's BACK button in the middle of an Mastering Physics session. The system is designed to only move in the forward direction. The way things are set up at this time, you will have ten opportunities to answer each part of each HW problem. There will also be a wrong-answer penalty of 3% per wrong answer. For Reading Quizzes (almost all MC), you get three tries. Each miss deducts 100/(N-1) percent of the credit, where N is the number of MC choices; for example, for 4 choices, each miss deducts 33% of the credit. For questions that have hints, there is NO PENALTY for opening any hint; however, once a hint is open it becomes an equally weighted section of the part in which the hint is located, and must be answered. There is no penalty for not answering the questions in UNopened hints. Always use three significant figures in your numerical answers (unless the program gives other instructions for a particular problem). Numerical answers must be correct to within 2%. To complete one of the items (problems) from a HW set, you must do one of the following for all of the parts in the question (Part A, B, etc.): submit a correct answer, run out of answer attempts, or choose Give Up. YOU MUST COMPLETE ALL PARTS BEFORE YOU CAN GET ANY CREDIT ON THE ITEM. Answering any available hint questions is not required. TIPS FOR USING THE SYMBOLIC ANSWER ENTRY FORMAT: To escape from superscript or subscript mode, use the rightarrow (→) key. If you type an expression, but forget to put part of it in parentheses, highlight the relevant part and then select parentheses from the math palette. The MP Student Support pages are here.