Numerical Test average is out of 10.
 MiniQuiz (MQ) average is out of 6.
 Free Response (FR) average is out of 50.
 Learning Catalytics (LC) average is out of 8.
 MP column is total points.
 Reading Quiz (RQ) average is out of 6.
 Overall Average is out of 100%
 Final Exam score is out of 40.

 ALERT: If your LC average is zero, then you
 will need to check your LC average on our
 class webpage.  In particular, see paragraph
 two on that webpage. Thanks, GBA.

 These averages figured FRI 12/09 with
 the Final Exam, all 3 Numerical Tests for each
 student with one of those tests dropped, all
 8 MiniQuizzes (with two MQ's dropped), all
 3 Free Response Tests for each student with
 one of those tests dropped, the LC grades as
 downloaded SAT 12/03, using LC grades through
 WED 11/30, and MP and RQ grades downloaded
 SUN 12/04.  The overall average at this point
 was figured by Numerical Test 26%, Free
 Response 26%, LC 8%, MP 10%, RQ 6%, MQ 6%,
 and Final Exam 18%.  For the MP average,
 divide total MP points as of 12/04 by 1685.0
 with a maximum of 100%.

 GRADE IN OUR CLASS.  Any students with less than
 850.0 MP HW points as of FRI 5/06 are marked with

 To compare your scores with the rest of the class,
 please see the class Histogram, or else the
 Column of Overall Grades with letter grades.

 Thanks. GBA 

As posted in our Course Format and Policies page,
any student who earns 80% of all possible points in our
class can expect to receive an A of some type (A-, A, or A+);
students who earn 65-80% of all possible points can expect to
receive some type of B, and students who earn 50-65% of all
possible points can expect to receive a C or C+.

Here are the overall averages as of 12/09 for all students who
have non-zero LC totals, who have over 850.0 MP HW points,
and who took the Final Exam:

 NUM      MQ    FR       LC      MP      RQ   Final   overall
 5.600  3.286 39.667  6.321 1440.231   3.988  24.333  68.281

With 65-80 representing B, the final overall average is
thus in the B range.  Thanks.  GBA

See the Previous Report of Overall Grades.

    id     NUM     MQ    FR      LC      MP      RQ   exam  overall
9444-536   7.00   5.00  50.00   3.42  1942.24   5.35    38   85.07
5785-419   9.85   5.50  50.00   7.61  1789.25   4.95    38   96.78
8021-189   1.20   0.50  15.00   5.53     0.00   0.00     0  autoF
9745-428   0.00   0.00   7.50   1.33  1453.65   4.57    12   23.83
6959-140   0.00   1.33  20.00   5.89   719.76   2.37     0  autoF
6250-631   9.25   5.17  42.50   8.00  1607.63   4.33    29   86.25
3714-604   0.00   1.00  21.00   1.09     0.00   0.00     0  autoF
3447-531   9.40   6.00  50.00   7.93  1843.66   6.00    32   94.77
4921-408   4.60   2.00  42.50   7.98  1665.31   4.83    21   68.20
4512-212   5.60   5.50  48.00   8.00  1658.63   3.67    26   78.23
1137-959   8.25   1.00  47.50   3.83  1260.40   2.51    30   74.47
6542-453   0.00   2.00   2.50   3.30     0.00   0.00     0  autoF
2721-463   5.40   3.50  40.00   7.05  1603.56   4.86    20   68.78
1361-476   3.35   2.33  22.00   3.54     0.00   0.00     0  autoF
7420-740   4.55   2.33  32.00   5.26  1322.71   4.31    25   59.47
8422-779   4.50   3.00  42.00   4.41   421.81   0.93     0  autoF
4778-541   0.00   0.33  11.50   2.55   851.79   2.29     8   19.80
3131-376   4.20   1.67  36.50   7.25  1104.30   2.98    16   55.55
0905-532   2.75   3.00  29.50   8.00  1144.72   4.04    17   51.98
4478-137   4.70   3.83  46.50   6.25  1194.94   2.98    22   66.46
1699-148   1.50   1.00   5.00   1.60     0.00   0.00     0  autoF
9255-899   6.20   2.83  42.50   7.13  1333.37   1.52    21   67.06
8758-048   1.00   0.00   0.00   0.00     0.00   0.00     0  autoF
6569-644   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.39     0.00   0.00     0  autoF
7409-278   1.30   0.50   0.00   2.67     0.00   0.00     0  autoF
3189-371   0.50   1.00  12.50   2.79     0.00   0.00     0  autoF
0601-099   0.50   0.83   5.00   3.93     0.00   0.00     0  autoF
6987-702   0.00   0.67   0.00   0.92     0.00   0.00     0  autoF
0827-683   0.50   1.50   6.00   1.99     0.00   0.00     0  autoF
3892-760   0.00   1.17   5.00   2.40   617.22   1.95     0  autoF
9491-481   9.40   4.33  50.00   7.54  1695.16   4.91    35   92.97
0704-081   0.50   0.00   2.50   3.61     0.00   0.00     0  autoF
3997-724   8.10   5.33  50.00   6.98  1804.98   4.58    31   87.90
0988-160   1.55   1.83  37.50   7.66  1298.14   3.10    17   51.48