It has been determined that at least the two models of Nextel cell phones shown below can damage your clicker:

       Nextel i530            Nextel i850

If either of these two cell phones is immediately beside your clicker when it receives or makes a call, the clicker may be damaged. If this process is repeated enough times, the clicker may be permanently disabled.

If you have either of these two models of cell phone, you should be careful to keep your cell phone and your clicker in separate locations, i.e. not in the same backpack or purse.

If you have a clicker that you believe was disabled by a cell phone, please contact Einstruction technical support at 888.333.4988. You may request a coupon that you can use to exchange your disabled clicker for a new one. You will receive the coupon by email. Just print it out and take the coupon, along with your disabled clicker, to the bookstore.

If you have already purchased a replacement clicker, then you may use the coupon for a refund if you still have the disabled clicker and if you have the receipt. Take your coupon, along with the disabled clicker and your receipt, to the ASU bookstore and ask for Dennis Dripps.

Thanks, and please let us know if you believe that your clicker has been damaged by a cell phone other than the two models shown above. GBA