Create Account   Add Course  Use in Class  Help  Links 
                  Step 1: Create Account

      IMPORTANT: Start this process by logging out of
      your browser; or better yet open a private browser
      window (Shift + CTRL + P on Firefox).

  a. Visit  Or, visit then select Sign In
     and choose Student.

  b. Select "Arizona State University" from the dropdown
     menu at the bottom of the page. (Note: If you are
     unable to click on the dropdown box, it is likely 
     that your browser has zoomed by 100%; adjust the 
     zoom back to 100% and try again.)

  c. Click "Go"

  d. You will be redirected to an ASU sign-in page.  Sign in
     using your ASU credentials.  (If you are not getting
     this step, it is because you have not started by 
     logging out of your browser, or else by opening a
     private browser window; restart from the beginning).

  e. You'll land on an iClicker page that says "We didn't
     find an iClicker account associated with your
     institution email".  Click on "Create New Account".

  f. The next page will ask you to verify your information;
     this should be auto-filled with your ASU credentials.
  g. Under "Student ID" enter your ASURITE username (NOT 
     your numerical student ID).  For almost all students,
     your ASURITE username is exactly the same as what
     precedes in the "Institution Email" line
     just above "Student ID".

     IMPORTANT: If you incorrectly enter your ASURITE
     username (and it must be all lowercase), you may
     never get credit for your iClicker answers entered
     during class.

  h. Agree to the Privacy Notice and Terms of Use and then
     click "Create Account"

  i. Now you will be asked if you are using an iClicker
     remote.  You may click "Skip This Step" for now.

  j. Finally, you should end up on a "Courses" page that 
     says  "You don't have any courses." See the "Add
     Course" section below for information on adding
     a course.
  Create Account   Add Course  Use in Class  Help  Links 
                    Step 2:  Add Course

  a. Select the Plus Sign from the Courses Screen
     (at the upper right on the blue bar)

  b. Add Your Institution (just click on Arizona
     State University)

  c. Find Your Instructor's Course
     Our Course for Fall 2022 is

                    PHY101-Fall 2022

     Just type this into the Search bar and hit

  d. Move to Confirm Course

     You should now see:

             PHY101-Fall 2022
             Gary Adams
             Tue 10:30 AM, Thu 10:30 AM  
             PHY101 Adams, Fall 2022

             (note: the time is for the first of
             our 2 back-to-back TTH lectures)

     Click on the course name: PHY101-Fall 2022

  e. Confirm and Add the Course

     You are now on the "Confirm Course" page
     for PHY101-Fall 2022 with Instructor
     Gary Adams.

     Click "Add This Course"

  f. See the Course Added to Your List
     The course will now appear in your Courses list.
     When your instructor starts a class session, you'll
     be able to join class and participate in a poll.

  g. If you have done everything correctly, then
     your weekly iClicker Grade will appear on our 
     class webpage every SUN evening.
     Thanks much.  GBA 

  Create Account   Add Course  Use in Class  Help  Links 
                Step 3:  Use iClicker in Class

  Browser Users:

     Log into your student account at 

     Remember to sign in through your Campus Portal,
     at the bottom of the login screen, by selecting
     Arizona State University and clicking Go.

     Then select your course from your "Courses" list,
     and follow the instructions below.

  Mobile Phone Users:

     Launch the application from your mobile device,
     select your course from your "Courses" list,
     and follow the instructions below.

 Here are the INSTRUCTIONS:

  a. Join the poll

     A banner will appear on your screen when your
     instructor has started iClicker for the day's
     class. Select Join to participate.

  b. When you instructor starts a question, then
     the question will appear on your iClicker
     screen (the question is also on your Zoom
     screen).  Read the question and select your

     For multiple choice questions, selecting an
     answer will automatically send it.  You may
     change your answer as many times as you wish
     as long as the timer (on the Zoom screen) is
     running; only your final answer is saved.

     Questions with more than 5 possible answers
     will be asked as Numeric questions.  Read the
     question and enter the integer of your selected
     answer.  Then click the Send Answer button. You
     may change your answer as many times as you wish
     (enter a new choice and again hit Send Answer)
     as long as the timer (on the Zoom screen) is
     still running; only your final answer is saved.

     IMPORTANT: Remember to click the Send Answer
     button for Numeric questions; if you forget,
     then your answer will not be recorded.

  c. If you have done everything correctly, then
     your weekly iClicker Grade will appear on our 
     class webpage every SUN evening.
     Thanks much.  GBA
  Create Account   Add Course  Use in Class  Help  Links 
                    Where to Get Help

   If you cannot get the iClicker system to work
  properly for you, help is available through ASU's
  University Technology Office.  The ASU Experience
  Center is open 24/7 and 365 days a year to help you.
                  ASU Experience Center

  Thanks. GBA

              References: The Original Links

  The original version of this information can be found

  The original article (with Video) on Adding a Course 
  can be found here.

  The original article on Participating in a Poll can
  be found here.